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Messages - Boongie Pam

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 285
Midlothian / Re: Aitken of Kirknewton
« on: Saturday 06 April 24 16:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jan,

I haven't found their burial specifically - I would assume Kirknewton Kirkyard but I don't know sorry.


World War Two / Re: WW2 RAF Service Record - Interpretation Help
« on: Sunday 17 March 24 22:52 GMT (UK)  »
HI Andy,

Sorry for the delay in thanking you.

He was an airframe mechanic during and after the war when he joined up again.


World War Two / Re: WW2 RAF Service Record - Interpretation Help
« on: Sunday 03 March 24 14:38 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Andy - that is really useful.

He was married during the months his record was attachd to BPSO. There are no stories of him taking leave for illness or other reasons. Curious!

Ah I see it as GSU now. I always wondered if he supported Fighter or Bomber Commands.

Thank you.

Can I ask your opinion on the 248 mentioned near the top - I have assumed it was an attachement to 248 squadron - is that incorrect?

World War Two / WW2 RAF Service Record - Interpretation Help
« on: Sunday 03 March 24 10:55 GMT (UK)  »
Good Morning Lovelies!

I received my Grandfather's RAF records last week and I have been building a timeline in order to match our family stories/memories/photos.

He was based in Nigeria for a while but it is the entries between them and the 69 squadron service echelon.

I know that he was in RAF Titchfiled in August 1944 (per his marriage cert) which would be aligned to to the entry BPSO/HS the move reason is "C" and I can't find what that would mean either.

So the codes I haven't been able to decode are:
84 GSO  is this 84 squadron?

Thanks for any help!


The Common Room / Re: FindMyPast Subscription Renewal
« on: Sunday 18 February 24 17:17 GMT (UK)  »
I bit the bullet and got FindMyPast for the Newspapers and 1921.

I've found the interface/search for Newspapers not as fruitful as BNA. I'm really not sure why.

It's getting proper expensive now as I have Ancestry worldwide as well.

Does anyone know if you lapse Ancestry what access do you have for your tree?

Armed Forces / Re: Another Uniform Mystery
« on: Sunday 11 June 23 23:58 BST (UK)  »
I’ve now traced who this lady is likely to be. Found the same photo in a connected tree. It is thought to be her brother’s uniform.

Cumberland Lookup Requests / Re: Jane Lowther Born circa 1799 - Parents
« on: Friday 09 June 23 19:14 BST (UK)  »
Hi Claire,

I've sent you a message on Ancestry - we definitely have a connected tree :)


Armed Forces / Re: Cap Badge Query - unknown time period
« on: Friday 09 June 23 19:12 BST (UK)  »
Oh wow thank you alan o and scrimnet

I will pursue this clue and see if we can find a connection!

Armed Forces / Re: Another Uniform Mystery
« on: Wednesday 10 May 23 22:39 BST (UK)  »
To answer your question women did dress up in men's uniforms.
Pic. 1 looks late 1890's - early 1900's which would fit with this
Being a Boer War era uniform.
Agree the same woman in both.
Bear in mind that female entertainers wore uniforms particularly
during periods of conflict.

Thank you Jim for the dating of the hat/dress!

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