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Messages - J.J.

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Burnley family NOT Burnley England
« on: Thursday 12 September 24 20:22 BST (UK)  »
Just remembered you're in England right now! Hope you're enjoying the sights & such! Sorry I didn't note that you were so new to this site. Welcome to Rootschat Mitzi!
I saw that there is a tree for Edwin's family, but that he was left out. Just found his own detached tree ( Is that yours?)

Adding I see there were 2 more sons  Charles Edwin reg. 1852
& William Henry Anthony reg. 1854 ? which would have been a very late register, but then she was dealing with her husband's death in 1853. But where is she with the 2 lads in 1861?
I see both end up in U.S. and die there...
Found them in 1861
There are a LOT more results for them on the FS site now...busy lads!!!  Have fun! J.J.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Burnley family NOT Burnley England
« on: Thursday 12 September 24 15:42 BST (UK)  »
There's a Birth reg for a John Carbis Burnley 1847  W.Derby Lancs
so he must have had some affection for his stepfather?
Said he was 21 on intent to marry 1845
 ahhh, I see son John's with Martha in 1851 with a brother Samuel W.
 ( Samuel William  reg. 1850 Liverpool ) Edwin perhaps at sea?
1841- Edwin with his mother & Joseph Carbis - 15 yrs her Junior!
( My Gmother was 11 yrs. younger than Gfather)
1861 the 2 lads are with Grandmother Anne Carbis

adding ...many mariners in the family! His brother
Marriage: 21 Sep 1843 St Bride, Toxteth, Lancs.
Henry Burnley - Master Mariner, Bach, St Jame's St
Isabella Gibson - Spinster, Woodside, Cheshire
Groom's Father: John Atkins Burnley, Merchant
Bride's Father: Joseph Gibson, Master Mariner

Baptism: 27 Jun 1848 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire
John Carbis Burnley - Born: 27 Apr 1847
parents Edwin Burnley  &  Martha
 Occ : Mariner     Abode: Egerton St

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Burnley family NOT Burnley England
« on: Wednesday 11 September 24 01:47 BST (UK)  »
For your tree ...Misspelled as
Edwin Busnley / Birth  1817  / Burial 30 Nov. 1853 Liverpool, Lancashire, Eng
abode Sir Howard St Liverpool. bur. St. James Cemetery

Edwin Burnley Birth  1817 MIDDLESEX
Military Service  United Kingdom, Merchant Navy Seamen Records

Glad I was able to help. Hope you find the right families to piece together. 
  all the best in your searches.  J.J.

   P.S. I am good at searching...but not always right. Thus my quote as a disclaimer ( made when someone gave us heck for finding the wrong person)

"We search for information, but the burden of proof is always with the thread owner" J.J.

The Stare record looked good, but then the different spellings threw me, as one must realize they may or may not all be from the same place
Is this John? (Mary Metro) altho, what do you know...doesn't quite match argh.
Hmmm...Gin - Is this the other bunch? No those were "Guy" ::)
 Maybe ties in with the Rohally/Krall connection

adding: from this site which says 1896 John Rohal & Maria "Matta"
in  St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church
- also correctly names your John Ochran & Maria Rohal marr. 1901

You've been busy! I found an actual surname Donic living in Banks, Carbon 1900 census.  (Not too far North of your ancestors) I think that name will be harder to find/prove in the old country.

also: Agree not to merge until you feel sure. Easier to fasten than to detach. ;D
     But in the end, people fibbed about their ages all the time.

I had added George Kohal to the list ( Hadn't looked into the actual page as I figured you'd enjoy that...Someone already changed it to Rohal, was that you? So did he die back home or was he one of the two Georges in USA? adding: (Or was it two Michaels...I'm losing the plot!)
How awesome that they were marked as born Krivostany!

so looked futher & also found Helen's marriage as Ella b. Apr 20 1889
 ??? Illona Rohaly Father Mihály Rohaly Mother  Maria Donics
Baptism 1886   Staré, Michalovce, Slovakia
Source Details 52  Line Number 47 Affiliate Name Lifewood

Changed the way I search...and used M*ly R*h*l* with spouse Mar* d*nic*
EEEEEK>>> & there they are ( well, appear to be, if dates work out)
 Ten entries for Baptisms in Staré, Michalovce, Slovakia
eleven as I found another under Kohally

Map of finds:

adding   Maria Donics  /  Staré
spellings for brother George
or Maria Dunyik   / Rudlov
Back to the drawing board...

 Danics Denics Dannicks Danicz Danick Danek Danik Dennick Donycs Donyics
 Dániek, Dániek, Dányak or are we even looking for something like Duhanics...?

Strazske (formerly known as: Őrmező, Zemplén, Hungary) joined with the smaller nearby town of Krivostany...but doesn't say when & both come up separately on recent maps
I think you should put the brakes on & maybe collect all info you can find in the area into women's last names aren't always given so could prove to be a red herring.

at marriage George Rohal says b. Jan. 10 1876

This Georgius Rohály Bapt. Apr. 8 1876 Rafajovce, Stropkov, Slovakia
but mother's last name???  Also says she's GC others marked as RC?
But I can't figure out what church they are in for the sacrament

Found these older entries...In case they turn out to be yours
under Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1935
 Maria  Baptism  1823 Strážske, Michalovce, Slovakia
    Parents Michael Rohaly, Maria
Georgius Baptism  1820   Strážske, Michalovce, Slovakia
   Parents Mich Rohaly, Maria

adding Not that he's a certain rellie, but a George Danick b. Hungary
 in Lansford Carbon 1900 census ( that's what's written on actual page)

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