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Messages - doublegeez

Pages: [1]
Scotland / Re: Scotish birth question
« on: Wednesday 12 September 12 19:32 BST (UK)  »
anyone who visits either of the 3 sites here in Scotland can view any record b m d from 1855 to 2011 if you use scotlandspeople website then yes what you say is true


Scotland / Re: Scotish birth question
« on: Wednesday 12 September 12 13:15 BST (UK)  »
Not quite true terianne , if you can find a helpful person who visits either of the 3 centre where the records are available then they can transcribe any B M D entry upto tha last day of the preceding year , in otherwords up to 31st December 2011 for records viewed at the moment


Technical Help / Re: scotlandspeople website
« on: Tuesday 11 September 12 19:21 BST (UK)  »
if you purchased the images for any documents and have you user name and password then you should be able to use them as they are saved in one of the tabs either previous searches or previous Images

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: what is her occupation 2?
« on: Tuesday 11 September 12 15:31 BST (UK)  »
if the entry you have shown is from scotlandspeople website , email them and they will have a look and see if they can tell what it is !!


Scotland / Re: Scotish birth question
« on: Tuesday 11 September 12 14:48 BST (UK)  »
If you want to get help then email me I can search around to see if the original record can be found , there a re a few details required and wouldnt want you to display them on here !


Ayrshire / Re: New Genealogy Facility in Kilmarnock
« on: Tuesday 21 August 12 14:20 BST (UK)  »
The Facility in kilmarnock is now up and running with the same computerized records as both park circus and edinburgh

Ayrshire / Re: decypher town name
« on: Tuesday 21 August 12 14:10 BST (UK)  »
Local knowledge of the area as most of the entries OPR and GROS were all phonetic , therefore every different person wrote things down differntly !!

Ayrshire / Re: baby hospital kilwinning 1954 ?
« on: Tuesday 21 August 12 13:53 BST (UK)  »
Conflicting Information , its seems there is a bit of confusion over the maternity units around Irvine / Kilwinning

There were 2 units about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile apart Buckreddan in Kilwinning also known as Maternity Home / Hospital , Kilwinning  and Ayrshire Central Hospital , Irvine also known as Irvine Central Hospital , with both Irvine or Kilwinning address
I have 2 brothers , born 1946 and 1949 both in Irvine Central

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