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Messages - jettejjane

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 238
Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Friday 10 January 25 17:27 GMT (UK)  »
We are not allowed to trace living people.

Suggest you purchase the marriage certificate, it will have his father's name and occupation.

Ahh sorry had forgotten that. I got carried away with this one . At least freebmd has details of the living peoples births and marriages which is a help.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Friday 10 January 25 13:00 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks everyone. What I now need to find is if Stephen iwho married ? Smith in 1971 is in fact the son of Francis and Ivy.  That would make everything I have been given by a living Exley a tissue of lies :o

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Friday 10 January 25 10:43 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks again amondg. I have now found Joseph and Gladys on 1921 census although I can’t look at census copy I hope Francis b. 1921 may be with them.

I am now moving my search forward to Roy Exley b. 1949 and Stephen Exley b. . 1951.sons of Francis and Ivy.  I have also been informed by a family member recently that one of these men died in yet another car crash in the early 1070’’s. I have not been able to find any newspaper reports. Also no deaths on free bmd but it is quite probable they are both alive today. I think the death is a fabrication .

Sorry to be so cloak and dagger but I think my source is unreliable and their stories are untrue.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 23:30 GMT (UK)  »
Joseph and Gladys are Francis's parents - so both are on the electoral register at their inlaws' address. How odd

Neither Joseph not Francis are obvious on 1939 - might they both have been called up as Joseph was 38 ad Francis 18

Thanks. That’s great. Yes it’s strange but this is no ordinary search.

One of  Francis children alive today said parents died in a car crash late 1950’s but I found out they survived and have death records for both in 2004 and 1997.

There are more contradictions about this family and it’s a different and addictive search.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 20:52 GMT (UK)  »
I can't find either in the 1939 register although I can see her parents.

I think you will have to get the marriage certificate, he may have been a widower and somewhat older than Ivy.

Thanks. The Exley connection has many secrets and lies and I am trying to ascertain truth from fiction lol. I already know Francis and Ivy did not die in a fatal car crash. He was only 2 years older than Ivy.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 19:14 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks amondg, that’s a great help. I wonder why Ivy is not registered as her husband Francis Exley was obviously living there.

The Common Room / Re: Help with newspaper articles
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 16:03 GMT (UK)  »
I now know the supposed car crash is a total fabrication. However there is more to this than mets the eye. Which relates to my other post on Yorkshire board. It is possibly a case of identity theft and I feel it prudent not to say anymore until I am sure of my facts. 

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 15:55 GMT (UK)  »

Ivy Thelma Exley - 15 April 1923 - 1997  (aged 73 years)
Registration district   Wakefield West Yorkshire
Register Number   B43A
District and Subdistrict   0991B
Entry Number   215


Thanks that’s extra info on Ivy now as I only had marriage no dob or death.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Help with Exley family
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 14:11 GMT (UK)  »

Could this be him ?

Francis Albert Exley - 30 June 1921 - 2004  (aged 82 years)
Registration district   Wakefield Yorkshire
Register Number   B59A
District and Subdistrict   099/1B
Entry Number   190


Added Oh, maybe not - just seen your other thread.

Sandra thanks the death could be him. I believe the car crash story is untrue but have to check it out first.

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