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Messages - athacliath62

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 75
Armagh / Re: Census Search Form Questions
« on: Wednesday 05 February 25 16:45 GMT (UK)  »
Maybe a different Catherine ?

Pretty sure old age pension was not transferable and not allowed to pass on to a descendant or beneficiaries.

Armagh / Re: Census Search Form Questions
« on: Wednesday 05 February 25 16:19 GMT (UK)  »
Mr. Coffey is simply the contact address, but the most important part of the for is the note after 'Return searched by' heading - i.e. 'Not Found', this means that no record was found using the information provided, so something was not accurate, e.g. the timeframe, names or location

For comparison see the next form - initial search also Ballywilly but corrected after a retry, certified, copied, returned to file and copy despatched to applicant

Kilkenny / Re: RC Church Names in Muckalee Parish 1870’s
« on: Monday 27 January 25 13:49 GMT (UK)  »
In directories and old Maps, e.g. the older OS maps, if you see a building labelled 'Church' it's a Established Church/CofI, a Catholic Church will be labelled a 'Chapel' or 'R.C. Chapel' and other places of worship as Meeting Houses etc.

Confusingly there are Church of Ireland Chapels of Ease.

It seems to have been a point of contention as you sometimes see the word 'Chapel' crossed out on Catholic civil marriage records and 'Church' written in

Kilkenny / Re: RC Church Names in Muckalee Parish 1870’s
« on: Monday 27 January 25 09:20 GMT (UK)  »
I know we have discussed this previously and hope i get it right. The Catholic church was referred to as the Chapel and not by a dedication to a Saint at that time.

My understanding also, usually as chapel at whatever townland or village

Kilkenny / Re: RC Church Names in Muckalee Parish 1870’s
« on: Saturday 25 January 25 10:19 GMT (UK)  »
from FindMyPast directories, Catholic Clergy 1876 (Thom's)

Parish : Mucklee, Diocese Ossory
Parish Priest  : Patrick Hoyne
Curates : John Carroll, Thomas Delahunty
Post Town: Castlecomer

Kilkenny / Re: RC Church Names in Muckalee Parish 1870’s
« on: Saturday 25 January 25 10:04 GMT (UK)  »
as far as I know Mucklee parish had an old church at Ballyfoyle but could have had several other churches at the time, this curate could have carried out this baptism at any one of these.

p.s. the current church at Ballyfoyle is now dedicated to St. Joseph

Cork / Re: George OLLIFFE ca 1825
« on: Thursday 23 January 25 17:28 GMT (UK)  »
The IrishGenealogy website allows baptism and marriage searches of many Catholic Parishes in county Cork, however no Church of Ireland parishes are included on the site for Co. Cork.

Antrim / Re: Recent death (Larne 2019)
« on: Wednesday 22 January 25 18:26 GMT (UK)  »
The HSE system does not cover certs for Northern Ireland after 1921

It's GRONI for Northern Ireland

Cavan / Re: Help finding civil marriage records
« on: Wednesday 22 January 25 03:58 GMT (UK)  »
The marriage may not have been registered in civil records even though it should have been, there are gaps where the paperwork was never sent in.

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