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Messages - BillHead64

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: Search for Looby
« on: Wednesday 10 December 14 10:01 GMT (UK)  »
Unfortunately the father was listed "not provided"


Family History Beginners Board / Re: Search for Looby
« on: Tuesday 09 December 14 09:20 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks all, this is getting interesting. Since my last post I have acquired a copy of Arthur Stevenson Looby's birth certificate from my mother (Arthur's youngest Daughter)

Arthur was born 21 Jun 1908 in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
His mother was Euphemia Looby, (no middle name given) Aged 29, that would make her born in or about 1879 in Arbroath, Scotland.

I have searched for Looby in arriving passenger lists to NZ without success, have yet to search Louby.

My mother was not told anything of Arthur's younger years. So I questioned his only son, Graham Looby and found some information, how accurate that information is, I don't know.

Arthur had told Graham that the only memory that he had of his father was on his fathers death bed at the family home. Arthur remembers his father as big man (remember this is young boy) with red hair and beard. This may explain where Arthur's eldest daughter got her red hair from.

After Arthur's fathers death he lived with his Aunty? In a boardinghouse in Auckland until he was old enough to seek employment. Nothing known about this so called Aunt.

It is believed that Arthur never kept in touch with Euphemia due to him not greeting along with his new step father, John Dorrach. It is believed that John and Euphimia moved to Australia and did not have any more children.

That is all the information that I have, if this ties in to previous threads that would be great.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Search for Looby
« on: Tuesday 29 July 14 15:58 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your input.

Searched BDM, all roads seem to end with Euphemia. Don't know where else to look?


Family History Beginners Board / Search for Looby
« on: Tuesday 29 July 14 12:02 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,
Searching for anyone that can help in information in the families of Arthur Stevenson Looby, born in New Zealand in 1908, son of Euphemia Looby, details unknown.

Any assistance is much appreciated.


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