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Messages - polarbear

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 384

Some notes about William Joel…

Wm Joel is in Oxford County, Ontario in the 1911 census. Borm March 1892 England. Reports arrival as 1902.

Married Edna J Lounsbury in Alberta in 1916.

The couple are living in Calgary Alberta in the 1916 census.

William is living in Bow River District in the 1921 census with his wife and family, household 177 in Keoma Municipality.

Charles is actually living in Keoma too, household 190, so they appear to have been neighbors.

Both Charles and William are still in Keoma in the 1926 census.

William is also in Keoma in the 1931 census with his wife and family, as is Charles with his wife and family.

The death of William is recorded in Alberta in 1956, burial Strathmore Cemetery.

It is hoped if Charles and William were the brothers from Gloucestershire that they knew each other through the years. Added: their marriage certs might provide info like parents. I don’t know what info a death cert would have.

The transcript of William’s death notice doesn’t mention Charles (who has predeceased him) but does mention Ernest so it looks like they must have been in touch through the years even though they lived far from each other. I don’t have access to the actual obit but perhaps someone will come along who does and can post it.

It looks like the widowed wives of Charles and William can be found in Strathmore in a later voters list. Addresses are not given so it cannot be determined if they are in the same household or have their own places.

Added: the 3 boys are certainly collectively muddled about their origins and when they arrived in Canada. We at least have Charles and William in the same place in the 1921, 1926, and 1931 censuses so we can be pretty sure they are the same people through this time frame despite what they report to the census takers. And as noted just above, the mention of Ernest in the obit for William helps to tie the family together.

It looks like their brother Charles might also have come to Canada as a Home Child.

A C H Joel arrived in Canada in 1904 on the Kensington with a party of children from Fegan Homes. He is listed on the Fegan Home page as Chas H Joel.

Registered Charles Henry Jewell
1888 S qtr Cricklade
MMN Singleton
B 25 June 1888
Bpt 09 Sep 1888 Brinkworth Wiltshire.
Parents Arthur and Susan Jewell.

Charles Joel Married a Pearl L Carlson in Alberta in 1926.

Charles is in the Bow River District with his wife and young child in the 1931 census. Born in England, arrived in Canada in 1904.

Charles is also in the Bow River District in the 1926 census, a labourer in the household of a Wm Cullen. Looks like his future wife is a young domestic in the same household.

Charles can also be found in the household of Wm Cullen in the 1921 census.

Haven’t yet found him in earlier censuses.

His death is recorded in Alberta in 1944, burial Strathmore Cemetery.

Canada / Re: Obtaining Canadian (Ontario) Pasport Applications from the 1930's
« on: Wednesday 12 February 25 18:29 GMT (UK)  »
Aww, what a shame. It would have been so nice to have.

Thank you for posting the information sent to you. Very helpful for other researchers. I will keep it in mind.

Regards PB

Canada / Re: Marriage records 1930s
« on: Monday 10 February 25 21:22 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again,
As BrazilianBombshell mentioned, they received a record with parents names. The index has minimal info as you have seen and if you ordered your record it would hopefully have parents as well. Chances are excellent they would be but can’t guarantee it.


Canada / Re: Marriage records 1930s
« on: Monday 10 February 25 19:50 GMT (UK)  »
There is a provision to have parents names in the 1930s  but there is no guarantee they would be there. The only way to know would be to order the certificate.

Did you know the 1931 census is available? Ancestry has it but it is also available for free from Library and Archives Canada….not sure about familysearch. My thought is you might find your parties there with family?


Added: if you put one of your names into the search, when it comes up you will see a box that says details. If you click on this it will show you details you might get. There is also a box for adding to cart to order a cert.

Canada / Re: Marriage records 1930s
« on: Monday 10 February 25 18:26 GMT (UK)  »
Birth, marriage and death records are the responsibilty of each individual province and also subject to privacy laws. There is no central index. The info contained on them varies by province. Each province has a vital statistics website that can be used to order a cert. Price varies by province also.

Depending on the province some records are actually on line through ancestry or familysearch, subject to the aforesaid privacy laws. Some provinces, eg. New Brunswick, have their own vital stats website images available for free.

This link will give you an idea of what would be available to get from the province of Manitoba….

Added: it is my understanding that a marriage index is not yet available for the province of Saskatchewan. So your success is really going to depend on the province you are looking at.


Canada / Re: Obtaining Canadian (Ontario) Pasport Applications from the 1930's
« on: Thursday 06 February 25 19:23 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again,

I believe the “Personal Information Request” would be to access what info the government holds about the requester so they can see if it is accurate or whatever. You would need to use the “Access to Information Request”. But then as noted, citizenship is unfortunately an issue.


Canada / Re: Obtaining Canadian (Ontario) Pasport Applications from the 1930's
« on: Wednesday 05 February 25 16:49 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Glenn5,

I suspect your issue is likely related to Canadian privacy legislation. Some info…

I wonder if you might try a step further and ask if they would reconsider if you can prove your relationship to your mother, the original executor. It looks like there might be an issue with your location too, though.

Wish I could be of more help but Canadian privacy laws are very strict. I’m going to ask a moderator to move the thread to the regular Canada board….it will get more exposure there.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help deciphering cause of death
« on: Friday 17 January 25 18:50 GMT (UK)  »

My thoughts:

Fractured skull …….    ………  temporal (………. backward).

Struck by an auto on Prov (Provincial) Hwy (Highway) County(?) Rd (Road?) 2


Added: Had it typed so thought I’d post.

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