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Messages - SueB64

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: Stanley Family Buckingham England
« on: Thursday 22 January 15 14:08 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Pine. Sorry it came from Rootsweb. I thought it was this was all one with them one. Sue

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Stanley Family Buckingham England
« on: Thursday 22 January 15 14:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Pine.All I Know is that they were married in Buckingham in Buckinghamshire England. I got this information from roots itself when I looked on the net for any information regarding the stanley family of Buckingham, It came up with someone else looking for them and gave this information that had been found in a book about Buckingham. Sue

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Stanley Family Buckingham England
« on: Thursday 22 January 15 10:04 GMT (UK)  »
I don't know how to post separate replies. Hi Peter. They were all in Buckingham. Someone passed me on these details from a Buckingham book that they was in. Hi Pine. I have tried to find the deaths of his wives but have been unable to. I am newish to this. I come from the second wives line. So I am at a standstill. Sue.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Stanley Family Buckingham England
« on: Thursday 22 January 15 08:22 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Peter. Thank you. I don't know what otp means at the end of their names. Here is the information I have.

25 Dec 1748 by banns Israel STANLY otp & Rosimond GAYTON otp. I am not sure if this is Rosimonds spelling or whether it is meant to be Rosamand

  12 Apr 1767 by banns Israel STANLEY X of Buckingham & Jane WATTS X of
Buckingham. Wits: John EDGAR & Wm X JOLLEY**

22 May 1777 by banns Israel STANLY X wid otp & Ann WEST X otp. Wits: Richd

Family History Beginners Board / Stanley Family Buckingham England
« on: Wednesday 21 January 15 17:57 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Everyone. I am trying to find out the birth and death of an Israel Stanley. Who was born in 1718 or 1728. I can find his marriage dates but not his birth or death. Thank you Sue.

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