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Messages - John Dillon

Pages: [1]
Surrey / Re: ruby alderton missing marriage record
« on: Monday 10 August 15 18:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carol,

Yes our Mother Patricia Moxham Rose McConnell was born 1st of January 1925. Mother Ruby McConnell (nee Alderton) Father John McConnell.



Surrey / Re: ruby alderton missing marriage record
« on: Sunday 09 August 15 22:34 BST (UK)  »
Thankyou for the responses.

We may be one step nearer to finding out some more of our grandmother's and mother's history.

In my excitement of finding a connection I put our mother's last name down as Alderton, in fact on her birth certificate it was Patricia Moxham Rose McConnell.

hoping we hear soon

kindest regards

Surrey / Re: ruby alderton missing marriage record
« on: Friday 07 August 15 23:48 BST (UK)  »

my sister has just come across your post from 2 years ago. We are the children of Patricia Moxham Rose Alderton. We too cannot find any marriage certificate for Ruby and Jack (John?) McConnell.
We only found Ruby's grave in Cobham Cemetery a couple of years ago.

We have been searching for years for any family connections, so please get in touch soon and we can share what we know.

kind regards

John Dillon

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