The Lighter Side / Re: How do I tell them?
« on: Tuesday 21 January 25 10:23 GMT (UK) »
I had a similar experience with distant ancestors of my wife who had incorrectly linked 3rd grt grandparents to the wrong birth record. I advised them that this was wrong as he had written his autobiography where he had written where he was born.. and I had his wife's DC which detailed her parents.. Needless to say they did not take it well and broke off all contact.. so obviously annoyed with either me for telling them or themselves for poor research...
Rgds Markw
I had a similar experience with distant ancestors of my wife who had incorrectly linked 3rd grt grandparents to the wrong birth record. I advised them that this was wrong as he had written his autobiography where he had written where he was born.. and I had his wife's DC which detailed her parents.. Needless to say they did not take it well and broke off all contact.. so obviously annoyed with either me for telling them or themselves for poor research...
Rgds Markw