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Messages - sooky

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: family of joshua bright harrison from essex
« on: Sunday 11 October 15 19:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I have managed to check ancestry com and have seen the photos.
I am still uncertain especially as Reginald seemed a lot younger than the person in the locket.  The hat badge doesn't appear to be right either. Maybe someone might recognise the photo?  I still think it would be helpful to know where they were from 1914-23  Hopefully the photo has come through.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: family of joshua bright harrison from essex
« on: Saturday 26 September 15 03:26 BST (UK)  »
I have a photo from a locket which would seem to be either Reginald J or Joshua Albert. Is anyone able to identify this photo?  Also I would like to know if anyone knew where they both lived between 1911 and 1922
Thanks, hope someone knows.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: family of joshua bright harrison from essex
« on: Wednesday 16 September 15 09:01 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your quick replies, it seems to have raised more questions than answers but a great help.
I think Joshua was born in West Ham 1890.  I'm glad to fine Reginald, thank you.

Family History Beginners Board / family of joshua bright harrison from essex
« on: Tuesday 15 September 15 14:01 BST (UK)  »

I hope someone may be able to help, I would like to know what happened to joshua albert
 and reginald j ? harrison please.
I believe reginald was in Ireland after WW1. Did either of them marry?

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