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Messages - Micfairs

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Accessing adoption records
« on: Tuesday 01 February 22 19:20 GMT (UK)  »
My Aunt was adopted in 1949 by my grandparents. My Aunt lives in South Africa and is not in good health. About 4 years ago we went through finding her birth mother, which we did although sadly she is long deceased, with no other immediate family. We have all the relevant documents for this. Lancashire adoptions office sent me ( as I live in England) the papers for my Aunt to complete. Well 4 years on my Aunt now wants to access her records, she just wants to view her adoption record. Normally a person can apply themselves but she cannot travel to England, so have been advised to get an adoption intermediary, who could act on her behalf and get the records posted. I have contacted a few but seem to get the "oohh & aahh" answer. Does anyone know of a service or had the experience of doing this. To be fair we have done all the hard work prior. We just need help to access the records.
Would welcome any suggestions.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Lopuszynski (edited by Moderator)
« on: Friday 29 October 21 16:37 BST (UK)  »
Hi Rosie

Sorry! Rather new to this. If I am unable to give names how am I to find the person? I am not sure how to view electoral roles.

Family History Beginners Board / Lopuszynski (edited by Moderator)
« on: Friday 29 October 21 16:14 BST (UK)  »
Trying to trace the above person. He was born 06/02/1954 at Portiana House Maternity Home Wednesday Stafford, confirmed. His mother was Margaret Carrabine b1920 d1993 and father Julian Walenty Lopuszynski a Fitter b1910 d1996 from Poland originally. Lived in the Walsall area, had a younger brother Antonio who sadly died in a car accident in 1973.
He is the half brother to my Aunt who was put up for adoption in 1948, he well might know this or may not. Would love to find him. Any help would be appreciated. I have a lot of certificates from GRO to confirm most of my findings. Please help.
Many Thanks

Moderator Comment:
Edited in accordance with RootsChat policy of not publishing details of living people here, or details of people who may still be living. This is to protect all concerned from spam, identity abuse, internet abuse, etc, etc.
Please use the Personal Message (PM) system for exchanging personal data.

Worcestershire / Re: Mare and Colt Hartlebury
« on: Wednesday 11 November 20 14:49 GMT (UK)  »
My great grandfathers name was George Reginald Edwards and his father was Frederick Lloyd Saunders Edwards. And although he is occupation as " Innkeeper" on other certs and census it reads professional scrivener or could read swimmer?? but was swimming an occupation back then? All a bit of a mystery. But thank you for the offer to try to help, much appreciated.

Worcestershire / Re: Mare and Colt Hartlebury
« on: Tuesday 10 November 20 17:28 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry that should be Hartlebury.

Worcestershire / Re: Mare and Colt Hartlebury
« on: Tuesday 10 November 20 17:24 GMT (UK)  »
I have just come across this post re Mare & Colt Hartley.
Oddly enough according to my gr grandfather birth cert he was born there in 1892 and his father occupation " Innkeeper".
I know no more than this, but would like too.

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