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Messages - GeorginaO

Pages: [1]
Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Wednesday 22 February 17 16:20 GMT (UK)  »
sent PM so check your messages

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Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Wednesday 22 February 17 16:16 GMT (UK)  »
sent yesterday did u receive ?>

Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Tuesday 21 February 17 20:57 GMT (UK)  »
Excellent Thanks Carol - Ill look at that- to find more stuff re  my Great Grandpa George Haag
I'm also looking into some  family recipes - I don't have any written down but I think I might be able to find some somewhere.

Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Sunday 13 November 16 22:51 GMT (UK)  »
Haha I saw that I thought maybe you were a time traveller !!

Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Sunday 13 November 16 22:26 GMT (UK)  »
Yes thank you very much!

Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Sunday 13 November 16 20:28 GMT (UK)  »
Fascinating I recently found this article referring to my Grandmother and her father

In town a crowd of mostly women attacked the market stall of a Mr Haag, a German pork butcher, terrifying his daughter who was running it, and then laid siege to his shop in Glumangate. Ironically, Mr Haag was a naturalised British citizen of long standing and his son had joined the British army.


Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Sunday 13 November 16 17:39 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks - my cousin just found it,  I was thrilled to get it, see the shop and my GGpa George Haag !!
 I had a question which I hope someone may know the answer,  re why did so many  German butchers move from Wurttemburg in the mid 1800's - anyone know ?

Europe / Re: German Pork Butchers in Britain
« on: Saturday 12 November 16 21:19 GMT (UK)  »
My great grandfather Georg Haag came from Eberbach, Baden Wurtemburg to England and was a butcher in Chesterfield, Derbyshire I recently was sent a picture of his shop in  1911

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