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Messages - KiwiFrances

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Friday 12 June 20 05:26 BST (UK)  »
Have located probate for Frank. Has him passing away at Carisbrooke Home, Station Rd Epping  19 Feb 1936, granted to Arthur Cooper grocer (brother) and solictor Frank Elworthy Baldock.
Trying to  find this Home has brought up Epping Poor Law Institution1930 and becoming St Margaret's Hospital by 1938. Can anyone help?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Saturday 06 June 20 00:24 BST (UK)  »
Tried checking out that hint re Frank and May L Butler, found wedding certificate but wrong parents on Cooper side!! Back to the drawing board.
 Have found another name Florence Annie but not sure if that's a connection? We have found a photo of a person who looks like Percy (given they were twins) and also some family likeness, with writing on back, saying Annie and I.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Friday 05 June 20 03:24 BST (UK)  »
Found James W and Evelyn M Cooper on 1939 census England and Wales aged 81 and 80 respectively.
 Also found christening record for Esther Tiley (mother of Harriet Cooper(Tiley) grandmother to James, Percy and Frank) for 1859, her parents being William and Esther Tiley, married in Woodchester, Gloucester 18 Feb 1851. Interestingly, William's occupation was a butcher.
More mystery!

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Friday 05 June 20 01:52 BST (UK)  »
Have just found marriage for James Walter and Evelyn Wheatley 1921 Surrey, so that's an added part of the history!

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Friday 05 June 20 00:19 BST (UK)  »
I think we might be on the right track.
Frank is beginning to sound right, as other facts seem to match.
Frank did have brother James Walter b 1881 and seems to have been married to Evelyn M Wheatley, nothing known about any family, so that is exciting, if it proves to be the case.
Still wanting to know more about Frank please

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Wednesday 03 June 20 05:27 BST (UK)  »
No Archibald or Gertrude Cooper in family and date/area wrong. No butchers in family that we can see.
Have a copy of James Humphrey Cooper (husband) death Jan 18, burial in Surrey Jan 23 1906, of 86 Brighton Rd ,Surbiton, Surrey.
 We also have  a copy of his probate  London 10 Feb 1906 to Hariett Cooper, widow, James Walter Cooper (son) grocer, Frank Cooper Cabinet maker, and Percy Cooper Carpenter, Effects 2333 pounds 18 shillings and 11 pence.
We know that she kept on with grocer shop, because of 1911 Census with James, Frank and Arthur, her sons.
Percy and his wife returned to NZ, but what became of Percy's twin Frank, we would like to know. We have postcards from him to Percy and Minnie and nephew Len 1912-1918 posted Esher mostly, with address Claygate. It also appears Percy wrote to him and mother and brother Arthur, from info on postcards.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Tuesday 02 June 20 05:49 BST (UK)  »
Arthur Cooper was a son of Harriet, and the family were grocers/off license holders, so maybe family date of death is wrong?  Frances

Family History Beginners Board / Cooper Family Surrey UK
« on: Monday 01 June 20 03:39 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to trace the twin brother of Percy Cooper. Both born in Alton Hampshire U.K. in 1883, to parents James Humphrey Cooper 1854-1906 and Harriet Tiley 1859-1911. Brothers William, Arthur and Charles (killed WW1 1917).
 Family were grocers. I found both, registered in census 1891,1901 and they both came to Wellington N.Z. on Shaw Savill ship Ionic March,1906,occupation joiners. Percy married Minnie Lyttle and they returned to UK in 1910, but don't know what happened to Frank. I can find no trace in N.Z.
 I can find no further information and wondered if anyone can help please

Derry (Londonderry) / Re: Collins family of Longfield, Desertmartin
« on: Sunday 26 November 17 20:58 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much, I just wished Dad had lived long enough to know I finally solved the mystery(or at least part of it!)  Frances

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