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Canada Lookup Request / Re: John Thomas Ford Obituary 1960
« on: Sunday 26 January 25 16:18 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks you found them both! 
Wonderful news. I have information about John Thomas from his early time in Canada but nothing much about Victoria. I was trying to find out more about Nellie so that is really great.
thank you for helping me.

Canada Lookup Request / John Thomas Ford Obituary 1960
« on: Sunday 26 January 25 16:05 GMT (UK)  »
Can I please ask if anyone can find the obit for John Thomas Ford, b 1877 Wales.
died Oct 1960 Victoria BC.
I have just picked up on my research after a long break! I can find on Ancestry an obit is listed in the Times Colonist but can't actually find the obit anywhere,
I am also looking for the burial of his widow Nellie his second wife, died 1972
Grateful for any information!
Many thanks

Edit : I have his death vital record. and Burial.
Edit.   Sorry I have only just subscribed to Ancestry again and hadn't checked for anything for Nellie!  she too has an obit listed but I can't see the actual Newspaper for that either.

"Digital images from the GRO are available for births 1837-1922 and deaths 1837-1887"

OHHH !!  ::)  oops sorry I should have checked!
Thanks for clarifying,

Thank you very much.   

Thank you, will check the record.


If possible can you find a burial for James Green death 1898 March Q Chelsea.
Family search have a burial for James Green Chelsea 15 Feb 1898 Im trying to find out more details to see if its my James Green!

I have him in the 1891 census at Chelsea Charlotte St born c1841 Ireland, a Tailor.
Think I have him in the 1892 and 1893 Electoral Roll, 1892 at Charlotte St. and 1893 at Cross St possibly.
I've never been able to find him in the 1881.
His daughter Catherine was born Whitechapel 1874.
The mother Mary "disappears" after the birth of Catherine, not listed in the 1891 where he is a widower.
Grateful for any help, just trying to pick up research again after a while away. (moving house , looking after grandchildren etc  ;D)
Thank you,

I have just tried to order a digital copy of the death from GRO but can't seem to do it, I've searched the index as usual but it isn't listing digital copy?

The Common Room / Re: Given name Turberville - what nicknames or variants?
« on: Monday 18 September 23 14:50 BST (UK)  »
I thought a nickname could possibly be Tubbs?

Wiltshire / Re: Thomas Trollip - Horningsham, Wiltshire
« on: Thursday 13 July 23 17:37 BST (UK)  »
I have a William Trolip /Trolyp married to Phoebe Barber  6 Aug 1702
Died 23 Nov 1761
There is a Phebe Barber  Baptism 1682 Dec 27 BARBER Phebe d Robert & Elizabeth
1764 Feb 25 TROLIP Phoebe
I have four children Benjamin, William, Thomas,  and Zacaria(h)

Wiltshire / Re: Thomas Trollip - Horningsham, Wiltshire
« on: Wednesday 12 July 23 17:10 BST (UK)  »
HI I have been researching the Trollops Trolip/Trollip/Tollope/Trollopes  for quite a while, I am directly descended. Libbeus is 4x gt grandfather. HIs son Thomas my 3 x gt grandfather
 Libbeus    1836 Burials in the Parish of Horningsham in the County of Wilts.
Libbeus Trollope Abode: Horningsham When buried 26th May. Age 89. by Rev F Skurry.
I also have a copy of the Longleat archive "rolls" of Horningsham. which pre-date the 1841 census.
Problem is we moved and I haven't a clue where I put them!
I have visited Horningsham several times as well as the archives at Trowbridge.
I actually saw my ancestors cottages.... and several graves and visited the Independent Chapel.
We met 1 person who asked what we were looking for and when I explained he said he was also a Trollope !! how amazing.
I also used the LDS microfiches  to obtain Baptisms Deaths, Marriages etc. all probably available on line now.
You may know that there are 2 Thomas Trollopes that appear in Horningsham at this  time, mine Married Mary Edwards, 8 children that I am aware of.
The Trollopes also seemed to marry often into other known Horningsham families, the Carpenter's, Garretts, Marsh, White, and other Trollope families,
e.g. Hannah Trollope  dau of Thomas married Emmanuel Trollope son of Lambert.   


The Common Room / Re: GRO digital images
« on: Monday 10 July 23 14:54 BST (UK)  »

Oh doh!   
I have just found the missing information -
I clicked on my orders, entered the COL ref. etc.  and up popped typed form giving all the details that would have appeared including the mothers maiden name !  Solved.
Thank you for all the help though.

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