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Messages - judymg

Pages: [1]
Somerset Lookup Requests / Re: Batts Buildings, Taunton/Wilkey surname
« on: Saturday 11 January 25 22:22 GMT (UK)  »
I have now had a chance to look at the 188 town map, thank you again.  I downloaded a PDF copy.  In your response you mentioned an 1840 Tithe Map. I know about tithes but what and where do I find a tithe map?  Thank you in advance, Sc00p. Judy

PS: Agreed, KGarrad.  Thanks, J

Somerset Lookup Requests / Re: Batts Buildings, Taunton/Wilkey surname
« on: Saturday 11 January 25 22:01 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, rosie99 and Sc00p, great suggestions and information.  I will look at the town plan next; thank you for the link.  I will contact the South West Heritage Trust also.  How did you find Ann Batt in the 1851 census?  This would make the hypothesis that the buildings are named after an owner and led to a geographical area being known as Batts plausible.  I am emailing from BC, Canada so all your tips are most helpful.  Judy

Somerset Lookup Requests / Re: Batts Buildings, Taunton/Wilkey surname
« on: Friday 10 January 25 23:25 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you K Garrad.  I have investigated your suggestion, and that of Batts Park, but I can find no reference anywhere to 'Batts Buildings" or the origin of the name Batts. I did find one document that mentioned Batt's Court with an apostrophe 's' which leads me to thinking that it was/is a geographical area and at some point the name changed to Batts Park.  Thank you again, Judy

Somerset Lookup Requests / Batts Buildings, Taunton/Wilkey surname
« on: Friday 10 January 25 22:01 GMT (UK)  »
In a census and baptism record, the dwelling place is recorded as Batts buildings, Cannon St.  I am wondering if Batts refers to an area, there appears to be many buildings in the vicinity, the owner of the buildings, or possibly a poor house/home for unwed mothers?  There is no specific address listed.  Is there another way to find one? 
In the 1841 C, a mother (Maria Rex) is living with 3 children in Batts Buildings, in 1844 the daughter (Isabella) had a son and baptism register lists her as a single mother living in Batts Buildings (makes sense); in 1851 mother, daughter and grandson are living on Middle St.  The daughter married Edmund Wilkey in 1846 but he is not listed living with them in 1851, is married not widowed and grandson Frederick has taken the Wilkey name.  Edmund also had no father on his baptism record; his mother Hannah's surname was Wilkey.  A father is listed on Edmund and Isabella's marriage record as Edward Northam, however, I have no other documentation that corroborates that. (In the following generations Wilkey became Wilkie, my mother's maiden name.)
Any information on either of these subjects would be most helpful and appreciated.  Thank you

Gloucestershire / Re: The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Friday 03 August 18 18:18 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Capetown, I will report back....J

Gloucestershire / Re: The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Friday 03 August 18 05:27 BST (UK)  »
 Capetown, I am interested in following the Alexander Wylie line,thank you again for all the information. I was able to find out that John and Susanna lived in the Woodhouse!  I am also interested in following the William Frederick Wilkie, who married Jessie Allan Wylie, AW's daughter.  I believe they are also from the Gloucester area. I believe his father was Frederick William married to Ellen Lusty but that is as far as I go.

Thanks again, Judy


Gloucestershire / Re: The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Thursday 02 August 18 18:54 BST (UK)  »
Wow!!  Amazing information Capetown.  Thank you so very much.  This is definitely what I was looking for and the springboard I needed.  I so appreciate the time you took to find this for me.  Now if I can just find the other side....
Cheers, Judy

Gloucestershire / Re: The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Tuesday 31 July 18 21:05 BST (UK)  »
OOps, sorry I hit a button I shouldn't have, new to the game....this message is the completion of my previous one.

So,       Paternal Side:       Alexander William Wilkie b. 1893 (Alex in note)
                                       William Frederick  b. 1867 c. 1908  m. Jessie Allan Wylie
                                       Frederick William b. 1843-1845  m. Ellen Lusty
                                       Edmund b. 1826  m. Isabella

            Maternal Side:      Jessie Allan Wylie (Alex's mother) b.1864
                                       Kezia East b.1834 m. Alexander Wylie b.1835:Scotland)
                                       Susannah b. 1796 m. John East b.1797

Do any of these names ring true and correlate to any of the documents I have read about in other posts about "The Woodhouse." I would love to hear from you if they do or if anyone has any other leads.  Is there a site where the ownership/occupants of a heritage home, besides a census, can be looked up? I apologize for the typos in the previous post, my father would be appalled!  My keyboard has sticky keys and due to the premature post, I didn't get a chance to proof read.  Thank you in advance, Judy (in Canada)

Gloucestershire / Re: The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Tuesday 31 July 18 20:38 BST (UK)  »
Hello - I have just stumbled across and joined this site while looking up "The Woodhouse" from a picture I have recently discovered in an old! trunk.  The back of the picture reads:  "The ancestral  mansion where your Great great grandmother lived Alex (my grandfather-Alexander).  Lower Guiting Gloucestershire.  We stayed near at a griends cotage and Jess had me chasing round the church & the bone year, looking for the twigs on the family tree.  We went over the house, there is some glorious oak panelling in it."  It is a small picture but definitely the same place as what appears to be called "The Manor" today.  Naturally there is no date on the picture nor does it say who wrote the message.  Here is what I know:   
                                  Alexander William Wilkie b1893


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