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Messages - nutkin

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 136
Lincolnshire / Re: The Bullyard, Spilsby- Where is this?
« on: Monday 25 November 24 14:11 GMT (UK)  »

Thanks for reaching out. We must be related. I've taken a break from genealogy lately as work and kids are keeping me on my toes.

I need to get back at it. My great great grandfather was Thomas Tyson Nixon and his daughter/my great grandmother was Emily Nixon Schwarz.

Happy to connect and share-Kristin

Lincolnshire / Re: The Bullyard, Spilsby- Where is this?
« on: Monday 18 May 20 00:31 BST (UK)  »
I just saw the response. How interesting! Thank you for responding.  So you are a Hancock descendant? I have some mince pie tins that have been passed down in the family that were from my Hancock line.


Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Shields family in East Riding Yorkshire
« on: Tuesday 16 April 19 01:22 BST (UK)  »

Thank you for reaching out. I have been rather lax in my research lately. Kids and life keep one hopping.  So great to meet another Shields relative.  I would dove to share my research. I will send you a pm.  My great great grandmother was Emily Shields who married William Nixon. They immigrated to America in the early 1900s. William Shields and Frances Milner would be my gggg grandparents.

- Kristin

Ayrshire / Re: Brydon, Young and Howie Families in Ayrshire
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 12:50 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for the reply.. Cannot believe i have been searching for the ancestors for this long.. Actually, I have not made any more progress on this line. Would love any new insight. I have ran in circles as the Brydon can be spelled Braidie, Braydon, etc.. And Young seems to be a surname where everyone names their son Andrew..

Thank you - Kristin

Renfrewshire / Re: Yuill and Cochrane Family- Paisley-Renfrewshire
« on: Sunday 06 November 16 17:06 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for the reply! I am willing to be we are related. Your James is probably the brother of my Dugald Yuill bapt in 1780 in Paisley (my 5xs great grandfather.)  Son of James Yuill and Margaret Campbell. Dugalds's son was James Yuill who had a son Alexander Yuill who immigrated to the US and settled in Brooklyn NY. My grandmother was Gertrude Yuill.

Cheers Kristin

Renfrewshire / Re: Clelland & Gardener Family- Paisley , Renfrw.
« on: Sunday 08 May 16 02:21 BST (UK)  »
Yes, that is my Janet! You are good! :)

Renfrewshire / Re: Clelland & Gardener Family- Paisley , Renfrw.
« on: Friday 06 May 16 12:57 BST (UK)  »
Not sure.. I am looking and I am sure some how connect st not really directly.. My Ann Gardner Clelland was born in 1799. She married John CLelland 1818.  I am descended through a daughter Janet born 1823. I look closer. I am off to work now..


Ayrshire / Re: Kennedy and McMilllian Old Cumnock
« on: Friday 28 August 15 12:29 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for sharing what you have found. You mention you have them in the 1871 census. My William was married to Annie Andrews in October 1863 Glasgow and had a daughter Jessie in May 1868 Glasgow.(I have both those records so I am confident of those) They immigrated to New York in 1869 so my William would not have been in the Scottish census. I have the family in the US Census in 1870 in Brooklyn.

The cousins theory is good as Jessie seems to be very uncommon for a first name. I will have to trace this further. I feel that we are circling the same family. I will start digging again and share any new nuggets I find.


Ayrshire / Re: Kennedy and McMilllian Old Cumnock
« on: Thursday 27 August 15 12:53 BST (UK)  »
William and Annie had a daughter (my gg grandmother )Jessie Kennedy born May 1868 Shamrock Street Hutchesontown, South Glasgow, This family left for the US July 1869. The kids were: Jessie, William, John ANdrews, Mary, Robert, Annie, William, Charles, Thomas (these last two were twins). I am attaching a pictures of William and Annie's kids from the late 1880's in NY,. William's death record had no parents but his wife's did. This is only as good as the informant but Annie was listed as her mother's maiden name Jameson.  (It is really Clelland)

I have found a family of Mary and William Kennedy in the census and that could very possibly be my WIlliam's family.
1841- Titchfield Street, Kilmarnock, Ayr
1851, 109 Dale Street, Lanarkshire, civil parish Gobals
1861- 2 Norfolk Ct, Glasgow

No, I have not found a marriage record either.Possible William was married twice. I have been looking. I am still learning how to research Scottish records and have focused more on my Yuill and Cochran line. My Kennedy line is so much more difficult.

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