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Messages - Charles Willson-Watkins

Pages: [1] 2
Monmouthshire / "Surgeon" John Watkins - Llandogo
« on: Monday 21 February 22 22:38 GMT (UK)  »
I have just found out that John Watkins born 1760 and died 1833 at Llandogo was a Surgeon.  Is this true? 

World War Two / Benjamin Booker MM
« on: Monday 07 February 22 23:08 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to find more information in regards to Benjamin Booker, as you can see from from the additional photo, he was London born and that he died at home and buried at Byfleet.  However, he was resident at Swansea.

Why would this be the case. 

Bit confused

World War Two / Re: Benjamin Booker MM
« on: Monday 07 February 22 21:09 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you

Two days later he was dead.  So so sad

World War Two / Re: Benjamin Booker MM
« on: Monday 07 February 22 20:21 GMT (UK)  »

World War Two / Benjamin Booker MM
« on: Monday 07 February 22 20:16 GMT (UK)  »
Benjamin Booker, was awarded the Military Medal 1940.

I am trying without much luck to find his entry in the London Gazette.

Booker died October 1940 and he was awarded May 1940.

Any help or links would be grateful received

The Common Room / Re: Nimrod Jones
« on: Wednesday 15 July 20 14:20 BST (UK)  »
thank you

The Common Room / Re: Nimrod Jones
« on: Wednesday 15 July 20 14:07 BST (UK)  »
thank thats rights. 

did it state if he left a will etc

Europe / Johann Tyczyk
« on: Wednesday 15 July 20 14:02 BST (UK)  »
Johann Tyczyk was a German Seaman.  He joined the barque Bertha

Whilst at Swansea he fell from maintop resulting in his death, April 1899.

Being a unusual name would there be any family relatives out there

The Common Room / Re: Nimrod Jones
« on: Wednesday 15 July 20 13:57 BST (UK)  »
His parents were Thomas and Mary Jones he came from Swansea born roughly 1837 and dying March 1868

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