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Messages - Crumblie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 84
Armed Forces / Re: RAF Pocket badge?
« on: Wednesday 24 July 24 22:15 BST (UK)  »
He looks happy though considering it was wartime. I only knew where a sparks badge would be because I wore it myself for 23 years.

Armed Forces / Re: RAF Pocket badge?
« on: Wednesday 24 July 24 13:11 BST (UK)  »
I don't think there is a badge on the sleeve and if there is it is certainly not a sparks badge because it was worn immediately under the chevrons.

Scotland / Re: Police Reports?
« on: Thursday 06 June 24 12:15 BST (UK)  »
Would the Procurator Fiscal have investigated a drowning in the 1880s, if they did there is usually an addition to the death certificate.

Technical Help / Re: Problem ordering £2.50 death certificate from GRO
« on: Wednesday 01 May 24 18:11 BST (UK)  »
I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago but persevered and it eventually worked. A few days later tried again and could get nowhere so sent a message to GRO, I am still waiting for a reply. I then tried changing my address slightly thinking that perhaps my bank had carried out an update and it did not like how my address showed on GRO, that seemed to make a difference. However seeing that other people are having the same issue it was probably just a coincidence that I managed to succeed.

Green wallpaper in the victorian era could contain arsenic so if it was earlier than the 1940s it could be just as well that the building was being torn down.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Dawson Hunslet, Holbeck and Beeston
« on: Saturday 09 March 24 11:31 GMT (UK)  »
Plot 1168 is probable what is know as a "Guinea" grave and they will be in with a number of other people totally unrelated, there is one in Holbeck Cemetery (which is actually in Beeston) which has over 40 occupants.

The Lighter Side / Re: The worst Ancestry transcription ever?
« on: Thursday 15 February 24 13:12 GMT (UK)  »
I did some transcribing for Ancestry a couple of years ago and you were told to put what you saw and not what you thought it should be. If you did the latter you had to confirm that was you wanted to put and it would then have to be checked by another transcriber.

If a pancheon was used for washing did it become known as a dollytub/dolly tub in later years to be used in conjunction with a dolly peg?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / 23and Me - data theft
« on: Tuesday 05 December 23 13:13 GMT (UK)  »
The Times today has an article which says 6.9m users had their data stolen in an attack on their DNA testing service which happened in October, far exceeding the 14,000 people it previously said had been affected. This does not affect me but I thought members may be interested.

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