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Messages - thearobin

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 19:39 BST (UK)  »
I can't find any children to Bridget and Thomas Mannion

Slight possibility? :-\
Mother's Maiden Surname: LAFFEY 
GRO Reference: 1856  M Quarter in SHREWSBURY  Volume 06A  Page 627

Excellent find - I've just spent quite a bit of time looking at him and searching for his parents on the 1861 and can't, nor does Gro show any more children that I could find either!  So I can't yet discount them...

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 18:36 BST (UK)  »
I can see this
1852 Dudley
John Cavanough mmn Laffey

1854 Dudley
Thomas Cavenough mmn Laffy

1854 - Wednesbury
John Cavanagh - death

When did Thomas die?
When/where was the next child born?

CAVANOUGH, JOHN LAFFEY GRO Reference: 1852 D Quarter in DUDLEY Volume 06C Page 104
CAVENOUGH, THOMAS LAFFY GRO Reference: 1854 S Quarter in DUDLEY Volume 06C Page 102
CAVENOR, SELINA LATHEY GRO Reference: 1857 M Quarter in WEST BROMWICH Volume 06B Page 652

What I think is Thomas's death:
CAVANER, THOMAS 5 GRO Reference: 1860 M Quarter in WEST BROMWICH Volume 06B Page 477

Not found Richard's birth entry in GRO although he was baptised 3 Apr 1859 and his mother's maiden name was recorded as "Laffy"

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 17:54 BST (UK)  »
As John was older, I wonder if he was previously married and that is she we can’t spot a marriage for them.
Eeek!  I'm not sure how I'd ever work that one out, but it's certainly a theory.  I did find a marriage to a John Cavanaugh and a Jane McEnrue/McEnrough and I've sent off for the marriage cert to rule it out but it's in 1856, Bilston and I figured that perhaps John and Bridget were never married, married other people and occasionally got back together to have children... it's one of many theories obviously!

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 17:40 BST (UK)  »
I did wonder if the 1835 Bridget married in 1858 Aughagower, Tuam, Mayo, Ireland  :-\
Is that the one to John Staunton?

Felix O'Neal

There's a Bridget Laffy born Westport 1835 and a marriage in Westport 1853 to a John Staunton.  That one's father was Thomas Laffy so I assumed she was the 1835 one and that put paid to online trees thinking a 7 year old married John Cavanagh  ;D

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 17:29 BST (UK)  »
I did wonder if the 1835 Bridget married in 1858 Aughagower, Tuam, Mayo, Ireland  :-\
Is that the one to John Staunton?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 17:17 BST (UK)  »
Oxford Street and surrounding streets, seemed to be one of the areas of Irish settlement so it could be quite possible that, as always, they stayed amongst their own.

In 1871, Bridget gives her birthplace as Westport and John as Rose Hill. I don’t know about Rose Hill, there are a couple of possibilities.

There is one baptism, I can see, for a Bridget Laffy but it is 1835  :-\

Ah yes, so that baptism is to (if I have the same one as you) a Matt and Ann Laffy and online trees have these as her parents.  But they also have her marriage to John Cavanagh in 1842.. which makes her a tad young so I've ignored it for the time being. One of those two dates can't be right.
Rose Hill for John is actually not far from Westport but it's not on modern-day maps, I found a paragraph mentioning it and various parishes (

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 16:45 BST (UK)  »
thanks both - I had Betsey and John and then there was a Mary Ann in the USA who named her parents as Richard Aylward and Mary Gorman and I started late yesterday to look at them but then found the wife was from Newfoundland so assume I probably tangled two families and needed to look properly.  Once i had Mary's MN I assumed they were work colleagues (Richard and Thomas) rather than related.

I can't find Luke Comer the other witness but I did find that a Bridget Comer married a William Cavanagh and had a child Cecily who died aged 1 in Bilston, Staffs

I'm not discounting the Mannions yet as I can't find them anywhere after the marriage in 1855 and because their address is Oxford Street in Bilston and my Bridget Laffy and John Cavanagh are also in the same road in later censuses I want to make sure she didn't marry someone else briefly.. although I must admit I'm starting to think such proof doesn't exist and I may as well accept it was a different Bridget!

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 13:23 BST (UK)  »
Re the witness to the Mannion/Laffey marriage. This is likely to be her:

1851 2021/270/7

Mary Alward 26 yrs b Ireland.
She is the wife of Richard Alward.
Their address is Browns Yard, Oxford Street, Bilston
Thank you, yes I have that - Richard was a coal miner too (as was Thomas Mannion) and Familysearch seems to think Mary's maiden name was Gorman / Gormanly.  I've not got very far with them yet as I did find death record in Massachusetts yesterday afternoon for a potential daughter which stated her parents' names as above but when I looked more it seemed the wife was born in Newfoundland so I lost the trail a bit and need to revisit them

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Thomas Mannion
« on: Sunday 20 June 21 13:19 BST (UK)  »
Patrick's surname is written as Laffey.  On looking for a Bridget Laffey there is this:

Age at death (in years): 25
GRO Reference: 1857  D Quarter in DUDLEY  Volume 06C  Page 84

Might not be any of the Bridget's you are looking for, but with all the various spellings you are faced with, it's something to keep on the back burner!  The age does match the Temple St. Bridget though.

This Bridget's burial says she was the wife of Andrew Laffey.
Excellent spot as per usual

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