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Messages - Foxfold

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: Picksley & Sims Co Ltd
« on: Friday 23 October 20 11:22 BST (UK)  »
Thank you all for getting back to me, you have given me a good start point for my research

Family History Beginners Board / Picksley & Sims Co Ltd
« on: Thursday 22 October 20 12:49 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for information on the above company which  operated the Bedford Foundy in Leigh Lancs. Reuben Simms a co-owner was my cousin  and the company manufactured agricultural machinery from approx 1850 to 1890. The company was most productive in the 1860's-1870's and exhibiterd widely throughout  the UK and even abroad and had an office in Smyrna, Turkey. I am interestred in who John Picksley and how the two men met for found the company. Any background information would be most welcome

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