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Messages - FarawaQuine

Pages: [1]
The Common Room / family tree charts
« on: Monday 18 September 23 16:29 BST (UK)  »
Any recommendations for how to create or download a family tree chart. It starts with a woman who was adopted. I have her adoptive parents' and her birth parents' names. Her birth mother and her adoptive mother were sisters. It goes back 7 generations. In some generations, I want to be able to include some siblings. I've made one freehand with the names arranged pyramid-style with the furthest back at the top but I quickly run out of space. I've seen some with the furthest back name on the left and descendants in columns to the right but they don't have the flexibility I need (siblings, adoptions). Am I trying to do too much in one chart?

Aberdeenshire / Re: David Garvock
« on: Wednesday 22 December 21 15:57 GMT (UK)  »
Wayne Easton, are you still about?

Aberdeenshire / Re: David Garvock
« on: Saturday 20 November 21 10:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks, Forfarian. Adam was my grandfather. If anyone’s interested, I have the names of some of the farms where his siblings worked or settled. Also places connected with the Mutches around New Deer.

Aberdeenshire / Re: David Garvock
« on: Saturday 20 November 21 08:37 GMT (UK)  »
Hello, Annie. You’re right about Alexander Farquhar, my great grandfather. I’ve often wondered where he came from. Can you go any further back with him? FQ

Aberdeenshire / Re: David Garvock
« on: Friday 19 November 21 19:36 GMT (UK)  »
Davy Garvock was my great granny’s second husband. Her first husband was a Farquhar. I’m descended from them. I met David and Albert at Turclossie in about 1996.

PS to my earlier reply about my great granny who was Davy Garvock’s second wife. I have a photo of the two of them plus several children outside a house, possibly Turclossie but not sure. I also have a photo of Davy and Albert, definitely at Turclossie, mid90s.

Sorry. Mistake. Davy Garvock was my great granny’s second husband. I don’t know if he had been married before.

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