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Messages - fuddy

Pages: [1]
Thans, Nan - I'll chech it out.

Robert Jones is the full name.  Info on his marriage cert...

married March 31, 1882 to Sarah Helen Kershaw, widow, age: full (maiden name Holt), father Joseph Holt (occ. mechanic).

Robert, widower, age: full, occ. Gas Engineer, residence, Dewsbury, father Robert Jones (occ. Lawyer).

It was a licensed marriage, at Church of the Ascension, lower Broughton, Lancashire.

Then I have a birth cert., same Robt & Sarah Jones, a boy named Thomas Hughes Jones(my grandfather), b. Oct. 11, 1882.
Robt's occ., Gas Manager, residence, Gas Works, Savile Town, Thornhill. (Three years later (1885) Sarah married James Rea Gledhill.)

Ultimately my goal is to determine what the familial relationship was between this Robt. & Sir Alfred Lewis Jones (the 19th century Liverpool shipping magnate). There's further info about  this in the 'west riding yorkshire' forum, subject heading- 'The mysterious Robert Jones'

Any info on this Robt Jones will do, any year census, B,M, or D info. (Please keep in mind that Robt apparently died between 1882 & 1885)    THANK YOU!!

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: The mysterious Robert Jones
« on: Tuesday 27 February 07 17:05 GMT (UK)  »
Sir Alfred had a sister, shown as "Ellen" in the census's, could be alt. spelling. But Tom wouldn't inherit from the female line.   Maybe Picton's b. cert. will help.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1881 W. Riding, Yorks. (Dewsbury) Jones
« on: Tuesday 27 February 07 16:49 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sue - my grandfather, Thomas, was born oct 11, 1882, birth cert. lists his father (Robt) as deceased. That eliminates the info on your second post. In your first post is my g.father Tom, Samuel Holt was running a pub called the 'Castle & Falcon' in manchester. Still can't determine who Robt is.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: The mysterious Robert Jones
« on: Tuesday 27 February 07 16:30 GMT (UK)  »
Yes, Wendy, on the fourth post in this thread - Thursday, May 13, 1926 was the entry date in his journal - he writes,   "arrived Liverpool 5pm, had a wonderful time and reception. Stayed all night - it was Aunt's birthday today."

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: The mysterious Robert Jones
« on: Tuesday 27 February 07 15:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Isobel - Sir Alfred never married, & I've no idea who Aunt Helen was. Wendy (previous posts) sent me a listing of Sir Alfred's charitable contributions as written in his Will, but no mention of a distribution among family members.

The only info I can find @ Robt is on the certificates listed a few posts back. If there's a connection between Picton & my grandfather it's eluding me. Any suggestions, perhaps Picton's birth cert. might help?

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / 1881 W. Riding, Yorks. (Dewsbury) Jones
« on: Sunday 25 February 07 01:06 GMT (UK)  »
Robert Jones is the full name.  Info on his marriage cert...

married March 31, 1882 to Sarah Helen Kershaw, widow, age: full (maiden name Holt), father Joseph Holt (occ. mechanic).

Robert, widower, age: full, occ. Gas Engineer, residence, Dewsbury, father Robert Jones (occ. Lawyer).

It was a licensed marriage, at Church of the Ascension, lower Broughton, Lancashire.

Then I have a birth cert., same Robt & Sarah Jones, a boy named Thomas Hughes Jones(my grandfather), b. Oct. 11, 1882.
Robt's occ., Gas Manager, residence, Gas Works, Savile Town, Thornhill. (Three years later (1885) Sarah married James Rea Gledhill.) On this b. cert. Robt's father is also named Robert, occ., Lawyer.

Ultimately my goal is to determine what the familial relationship was between this Robt. & Sir Alfred Lewis Jones (the 19th century Liverpool shipping magnate). There's further info about  this in the 'west riding yorkshire' forum, subject heading- 'The mysterious Robert Jones'

Any info on this Robt Jones will do, any year census, B,M, or D info.     THANK YOU!!

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: The mysterious Robert Jones
« on: Saturday 24 February 07 17:12 GMT (UK)  »
And in such quick succession. Kershaw, '77
                                               Jones, '82
                                               Gledhill, '85

Thomas was conductor of an orchestra for the Cunard Line during the teens & 20’s, S.ampton/Cherbourg/New York route (Aquitania, Berengaria, Mauretania).

In the few pages of his journal I've found, he writes of a visit w/ his Aunt Helen on her birthday (May 13) at her manor house in Liverpool (she picked him up in her Rolls Royce at train station), where he was shown a large oil portrait of his father, age 14 (Robt.?), & conversed about his inheritance. He writes, “Sir Alfred being a Baronet, I will claim title at the Court of Heralds“,
and, “Sir Alfred left an estate of L5,000,000, not counting Briarcliff. Mr MacKenzie, her secretary now, says there is some property for me in Jamaica, and we are going over soon. Will as follows:

L5,000 cash
L12,000 in stocks & shares - Elder Dempster
C.P.S Ship.
B.W. Africa Steam Co

Imperial Direct RM. SS
L10,000 cash every five years (total L40,000)
L20,000 at age 60
Stocks & Bonds held for children & cash as they come of age
Masonic emblems & many other things, at Helen’s death"

Yorkshire (West Riding) / The mysterious Robert Jones
« on: Saturday 24 February 07 15:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hi.  I'm trying to determine what the relationship is between my grandfather (Thomas Hughes Jones) & Sir Alfred Lewis Jones (the 19th century Liverpool shipping magnate).

Tom was supposed to have been set to receive an immense inheritance consisting of cash, stocks & bonds, land in Jamaica, etc etc. Tom's father was Robt Jones.

Birth cert., Thomas Hughes Jones - b.Oct. 11, 1882, @ Gas Works, Savile Town, Thornhill. Father- Robert Jones, occ. 'Gas Manager'. Mother- Sarah Helen Jones (late Kershaw, formerly Holt). Robert's residence- Gas Works, Savile Town.

Marriage cert., Thomas Hughes Jones, occ., professional musician(age 25) & Annie Joynt, spinster(age 30) - m.Feb 6, 1907, @ Register Office, Salford.
(Thomas's father- Robert Jones(deceased), occ.- Analytical Chemist.) Thomas's residence- 8 Mildred St, Broughton.

Marriage cert., Robert Jones(widower), occ., Gas Engineer(age 'full') & Sarah Helen Kershaw(widow) - m.March 31 1882, @ Church of the Ascension, parish of lower Broughton.
(Robert's father- Robert Jones(deceased), occ.- Lawyer.)
(Sarah's father- Joseph Holt (of the Holt brewery company?), occ.- Mechanic. Robert's residence- Dewsbury.

None of Sir Alfred's siblings were named 'Robert'. Inheritance comes down from the male line. Any suggestions? (my head is bogged down w/ excessive tidbits of info at this point, sorry)       -thanks!


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