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Messages - Maid of Kent

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 40
The Common Room / Re: Thomas Siburn
« on: Friday 19 May 23 15:06 BST (UK)  »
Thankyou very much for all replies to my question.

The Common Room / Thomas Siburn
« on: Thursday 18 May 23 20:28 BST (UK)  »
Thomas Siburn 1779 Deptford married an Elizabeth maiden name unknown. Cannot find their marriage, son Thomas b 1795 in Brompton Kent and daughter Charlotte 1797 Chatham Kent, no other children found. can anyone perhaps find the marriage of Thomas and Elisabeth please?

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Mary Ann Wilson Brickwall, who are her parents?
« on: Sunday 14 May 23 18:19 BST (UK)  »
Wilson Chester's parents: John Chester and Esther Wilson m, 28th feb 1848 st Michael and All Angels Haworth Yorkshire her father was Greenwood Wilson who married Nancy Roper at Haworth 14th Oct. 1817. It was the grandmother.

The Common Room / Re: Grandchild Not Sure of Parent
« on: Thursday 06 April 23 12:59 BST (UK)  »
Name:   Ida H Smart
Registration Date:   1915
Quarter of the Year:   Jul-Aug-Sep
Registration Place:   Wolstanton, Staffordshire, England
Parishes for this Registration District:   View Ecclesiastical Parishes associated with this Registration District
Mother:   Smart
Volume:   6b
Page:   152

Its certainly the family on the 1930 census no idea where the name 'Michael J' came from, thanks for the help.

United States of America / Margaret Mcmanus nee Nugent b c.1900 Glasgow, Scotland
« on: Monday 20 March 23 13:24 GMT (UK)  »
Margaret Isabel Nugent m John Mcmanus in Glasgow Scotland 1923
1923 daughter Helen(Ellen) was born in Glasgow
1926 son Willian Graham was born
1926 sailed on the Calandonia from Glasgow to NY with destination Buffalo.

American census 1930 not found

American census 1940
John Mcmanus 40
Ellen Mcmanus wife  39
Ellen Mcmanus daughter 10 
Willian Mcmanus son 13
Charlotte Mcmanus daughter 5 b.16.3.1935
Catherine Pemble stepdaughter 15, b. 06.12.1924

John had remarried Ellen Pemble nee Cassidy married before to Edward A. Pemble their marriage was divorced.(Edward is on the 1940 census as divorced living with his father). Marriage between John and Ellen between 1934 and 1940 as daughter Charlotte born 1935.
Could not find what happened to Margaret Mcmanus, or the marriage between John Mcmanus and Ellen Pemble nee Cassidy

can anyone help please,

Many thanks in advance.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Reading the Old German language
« on: Monday 20 March 23 12:47 GMT (UK)  »
my ::) 2 cents worth.

Re the second translation: In der Spiegel ist der Advents Kranz zu sehen. which translates as, In the mirror you can see the advents wreath.  it looks to me like its hanging from the ceiling and 2 of the 4 lit candles can be seen.  The last sentence I read Eleanor. kind regards Meg

Technical Help / Re: problem with Ancestry Gedcom uploading to GenesReunited?
« on: Sunday 18 September 22 20:56 BST (UK)  »
Thankyou very much for this explanation, it has answers my questions.

Technical Help / Re: problem with Ancestry Gedcom uploading to GenesReunited?
« on: Sunday 18 September 22 11:02 BST (UK)  »
I am going to ask a basic question please, I have no experience with gedcom. my whole tree is on GenesReunited, if I export my tree will I still have it in genesrenited or will it be lost and second are all my notes also transported -   this might be a silly question but I have no idea and am scared of loosing my tree on genereunited, thank you for answering a complete gedcom novice.

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