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Messages - kob3203

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 74
Ireland / Re: Age 'minor' in 1946 civil marriage record
« on: Monday 13 January 25 09:43 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks. So although theoretically 12-21 for a girl and 14-21 for a boy, in reality it's more likely to be 16-21 for both.

Ireland / Re: Age 'minor' in 1946 civil marriage record
« on: Monday 13 January 25 06:25 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you. What about the lowest age at which a minor could get married in Ireland in 1946 ? Was it 16, 17, or something else ?

Ireland / Age 'minor' in 1946 civil marriage record
« on: Monday 13 January 25 05:57 GMT (UK)  »
This obviously indicates that the  bride/groom was below a certain age, but what exact age range would the term minor mean ?

Sorry for not replying - I haven't been on RootsChat for several days (I have the "keep me logged in" option set which is why it appears that I'm online).

Yes, chanoine curé would make sense. And Nerbonne's the surname. Thanks, everything's been answered.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: French Canadian baptism record c1900-1920.
« on: Wednesday 17 January 24 03:10 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you. So it's definitely an e - Nerbonne.

The one remaining mystery word is on the very last line, the priest's signature

F. Ph. Beauchamp C??? Curé

It looks like 'chan', or possibly 'char' to me...

Definitely Norbonne/Nerbonne - it appears frequently in the register, but I still can't tell whether it's an o or an e.

The 1921 Canada census indicated that Augustin and Delia had at least 5 children - Irene 17, Blanche 15, Ivone 13, Joseph 8 and Lucienne 7. I found Ivone and an additional daughter quite easily with Ancestry's index search, Blanche and Irene with a bit more difficulty, and for Joseph I ended up searching the images page by page.
Irene (Marie Delia Irene b30 May 1904)
Blanche (Marie Blanche b2 May 1906),
Ivone (Marie Yvonne Mathilde b28 Mar 1908)
          (Marie Lucienne Desneiges Saumur b9 jun 1910)
Joseph (Joseph Stanislas Lucien b10 Sep 1912)
Lucienne (Marie Delia Lucienne b13 Jul 1914)

Thanks everybody - I've attached a version with the signatures. Not sure about George Norbonne - the main text does look like Norbonne, but not sure if I can see that in his signature.

So now I think we have the full text (missing accents are my fault) "Le dix-neuf juillet mil neuf cent quatorze, nous soussigne, curé de cette paroisse, avons baptisé, Marie Delia Lucienne, nee le treize courant, fille legitimee d'Augustin Samur et de Delia Gascon, de cette paroisse, Parraine George Norbonne(?), soussigne, marraine, Delia Gascon, soussignee, epouse du parraine, de cette paroisse. le père a déclaré ne savoir signer, lecture faite."

And Google Translate seems quite good with this - "On July nineteen, nineteen hundred and fourteen, we, the undersigned, priest of this parish, baptized, Marie Delia Lucienne, born on the thirteenth inst., legitimate daughter of Augustin Samur and Delia Gascon, of this parish, Sponsor George Norbonne(?), undersigned , godmother, Delia Gascon, undersigned, wife of the godfather, of this parish. the father declared that he did not know how to sign, having read it."

Thanks, I hadn't spotted that - obviously. :-[
Looking through it again a few times with frequent reference to Google translate I realized that one of the words is likely 'soussigné', undersigned, and on each subsequent reading another word or so seemed to pop out. So this is what I now read:

"Le dix-neuf juillet mil neuf cent quatorze, nous soussigne, ??? de cette paroisse, assier baptisis, Marie Delia Lucienne, nee le treize courant, fille legitimee d'Augustin Samur et de Delia Gascon, de cette paroisse, Parraine George Nestonne, soussigne, marraine, Delia Gascon, soussignee, epouse du parraine, de cette paroisse. Le pere a declare ne savoie???, Lietc???.
Delia Gascon George Nesline
F. Ph. Beauchamp Chan C???"

My best guess at a translation now:
"19 July 1914, we the undersigned, ??? of this parish, (something about baptism), Marie Delia Lucienne, born on the thirteenth of the current (i.e. this month, July), legitimate daughter of Augustin Saumur and Delia Gascon of this parish. Sponsor/godfather George Neston, undersigned, godmother, Delia Gascon, undersigned, spouse of the sponsor/godfather, of this parish. The father has declared no known (something I can't even guess at).
Delia Gascon George Nesline
F. Ph. Beauchamp (no idea)"

So I think we have two Delia Gascons, Marie's mother (wife of Augustin Saumur) and Marie's godmother (wife of George Something-beginning-with-N). And I assume that Ph(ilippe?) Beauchamp is the parish priest who baptized Marie.

Once again, I'd be delighted if somebody can clear up the bits I haven't yet got.

(Needless to say 'treize' at the start of the third line stands out like a sore thumb now that arthurk has pointed it out ! I can't see how I missed that  :) )

This is apparently the baptism record for Marie Délia Lucienne Saumur, daughter of Augustin Saumur and Delia Gascon.

The indexed information for this record includes birth date 13 Jul 1914 and baptism date 19 Jul 1907 which obviously can't be correct, and even my decades old schoolboy French tells me that it starts "Le dix-neuf juillet mil neuf cent quatorze" i.e. 19 Jul 1914 - I don't see a 13 Jul or a 1907 anywhere.

Can anybody enlighten me as to what it says?

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