- Total Time Spent Online:
- 23 days, 3 hours and 38 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2,142 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 289 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 2 votes
- 0
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- Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs
545 posts of the member's 2142 posts (25.44%)545
- The Lighter Side
446 posts of the member's 2142 posts (20.82%)446
- Sussex
301 posts of the member's 2142 posts (14.05%)301
- The Common Room
168 posts of the member's 2142 posts (7.84%)168
- Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition
87 posts of the member's 2142 posts (4.06%)87
- United States of America
80 posts of the member's 2142 posts (3.73%)80
- Armed Forces
67 posts of the member's 2142 posts (3.13%)67
- London and Middlesex
52 posts of the member's 2142 posts (2.43%)52
- Census and Resource Discussion
48 posts of the member's 2142 posts (2.24%)48
- World War Two
45 posts of the member's 2142 posts (2.10%)45
- Sussex
301 posts of the board's 37006 posts (0.81%)0.81%
- The Lighter Side
446 posts of the board's 137988 posts (0.32%)0.32%
- Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation
35 posts of the board's 11970 posts (0.29%)0.29%
- Roscommon
16 posts of the board's 5547 posts (0.29%)0.29%
- Photograph Resources, Tips, Tutorials
4 posts of the board's 1455 posts (0.27%)0.27%
- FH Documents and Artefacts
10 posts of the board's 4100 posts (0.24%)0.24%
- Library and FHS Lookups
7 posts of the board's 2944 posts (0.24%)0.24%
- Census and Resource Discussion
48 posts of the board's 34392 posts (0.14%)0.14%
- Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs
545 posts of the board's 410834 posts (0.13%)0.13%
- Cavan
8 posts of the board's 6192 posts (0.13%)0.13%