- Total Time Spent Online:
- 60 days, 9 hours and 53 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 3,446 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 0 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
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- Canada
1640 posts of the member's 3446 posts (47.59%)1640
- Canada Lookup Request
858 posts of the member's 3446 posts (24.90%)858
- The Common Room
220 posts of the member's 3446 posts (6.38%)220
- Family History Beginners Board
202 posts of the member's 3446 posts (5.86%)202
- Canada Lookup Requests Completed
72 posts of the member's 3446 posts (2.09%)72
- Kent
44 posts of the member's 3446 posts (1.28%)44
- United States of America
39 posts of the member's 3446 posts (1.13%)39
- Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition
32 posts of the member's 3446 posts (0.93%)32
- Immigrants & Emigrants - General
25 posts of the member's 3446 posts (0.73%)25
- England
23 posts of the member's 3446 posts (0.67%)23
- Canada
1640 posts of the board's 66660 posts (2.46%)2.46%
- Canada Lookup Request
858 posts of the board's 37164 posts (2.31%)2.31%
- Canada Resources
9 posts of the board's 577 posts (1.56%)1.56%
- Canada Lookup Requests Completed
72 posts of the board's 11231 posts (0.64%)0.64%
- Caernarvonshire Lookup Requests
7 posts of the board's 2689 posts (0.26%)0.26%
- Immigrants & Emigrants - General
25 posts of the board's 10916 posts (0.23%)0.23%
- Kent
44 posts of the board's 39828 posts (0.11%)0.11%
- Inverness
11 posts of the board's 11604 posts (0.09%)0.09%
- London & Middlesex Resources
1 posts of the board's 1248 posts (0.08%)0.08%
- Family History Beginners Board
202 posts of the board's 271766 posts (0.07%)0.07%