- Total Time Spent Online:
- 18 days, 1 hours and 11 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 1,930 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 5 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
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- Europe
1116 posts of the member's 1930 posts (57.82%)1116
- Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition
559 posts of the member's 1930 posts (28.96%)559
- Family History Beginners Board
79 posts of the member's 1930 posts (4.09%)79
- The Common Room
35 posts of the member's 1930 posts (1.81%)35
- Other Countries
24 posts of the member's 1930 posts (1.24%)24
- Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs
16 posts of the member's 1930 posts (0.83%)16
- World War Two
14 posts of the member's 1930 posts (0.73%)14
- Australia
11 posts of the member's 1930 posts (0.57%)11
- Europe Resources & Offers
9 posts of the member's 1930 posts (0.47%)9
- Armed Forces
9 posts of the member's 1930 posts (0.47%)9
- Europe
1116 posts of the board's 49907 posts (2.24%)2.24%
- Europe Resources & Offers
9 posts of the board's 543 posts (1.66%)1.66%
- Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition
559 posts of the board's 186195 posts (0.30%)0.30%
- Heraldry Crests and Coats of Arms
7 posts of the board's 3527 posts (0.20%)0.20%
- FH Documents and Artefacts
8 posts of the board's 4100 posts (0.20%)0.20%
- Other Countries
24 posts of the board's 18825 posts (0.13%)0.13%
- Immigrants & Emigrants - General
8 posts of the board's 10916 posts (0.07%)0.07%
- Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation
5 posts of the board's 11970 posts (0.04%)0.04%
- World War Two
14 posts of the board's 43848 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Family History Beginners Board
79 posts of the board's 271766 posts (0.03%)0.03%