- Total Time Spent Online:
- 22 days, 3 hours and 28 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 1,116 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 49 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 2 votes
- 0
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- The Common Room
507 posts of the member's 1116 posts (45.43%)507
- The Lighter Side
229 posts of the member's 1116 posts (20.52%)229
- Census and Resource Discussion
72 posts of the member's 1116 posts (6.45%)72
- Family History Beginners Board
50 posts of the member's 1116 posts (4.48%)50
- Essex
34 posts of the member's 1116 posts (3.05%)34
- Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition
24 posts of the member's 1116 posts (2.15%)24
- Northamptonshire
17 posts of the member's 1116 posts (1.52%)17
- Worcestershire
14 posts of the member's 1116 posts (1.25%)14
- Cambridgeshire
11 posts of the member's 1116 posts (0.99%)11
- Gloucestershire
11 posts of the member's 1116 posts (0.99%)11
- Huntingdonshire Resources & Offers
1 posts of the board's 35 posts (2.86%)2.86%
- Kent Resources
1 posts of the board's 226 posts (0.44%)0.44%
- Essex Resources & Offers
3 posts of the board's 730 posts (0.41%)0.41%
- Census and Resource Discussion
72 posts of the board's 34392 posts (0.21%)0.21%
- The Lighter Side
229 posts of the board's 137988 posts (0.17%)0.17%
- Huntingdonshire
8 posts of the board's 5141 posts (0.16%)0.16%
- The Common Room
507 posts of the board's 406577 posts (0.12%)0.12%
- Essex
34 posts of the board's 29430 posts (0.12%)0.12%
- Northamptonshire
17 posts of the board's 19894 posts (0.09%)0.09%
- Cambridgeshire
11 posts of the board's 13727 posts (0.08%)0.08%