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Messages - Racing Girl

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Sussex / Re: Eastbourne PR's
« on: Wednesday 14 January 09 16:59 GMT (UK)  »
Great Jan, thanks for that.

I'd popped back on for three reasons:

1) To apologize for posting in the wrong forum, didn't see the "lookup requests" forum.

2) To add that the Clarks were posted to Cornwall on 29 July 1835, so I'm thinking Eliza was christened in St Just.

3) I'm downloading more early Coastguard records to track their movement before asking for anymore lookups on the other siblings, they could have been born anywhere around the coast and I don't want to waste peoples time.


Sussex / Eastbourne PR's
« on: Wednesday 14 January 09 14:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hello All
Are they available anywhere on line, or does anyone have access to them for a lookup?  I have a James Clark born in Eastbourne on 22 March 1832 to parents George and Maria Clark, I'm hoping there may be more info regarding the parents and any possible siblings.  James had a sister Eliza, born in Eastbourne in 1835, although I have a feeling she was the Eliza christened at St Just in Penwith, Cornwall to George and Maria Clark on 11 Oct 1835.  The Clarks were in the Coastguard Service and were stationed in St Just in 1841.  Other siblings who I have no birth details for at all (from 1841C) are Edward 1824, William 1827, Henry 1830 and Louisa 1831.


Kent / Casemates in Dover?
« on: Wednesday 14 January 09 13:47 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know what Casemates might be, possibly in the Dover area?  My ancestor was a member of the Coastguard Service and was transferred to Casemates from Dungeness on 23 May 1863, he stayed there until 11 Jun 1867.  I came across this link while googling, is this Casemates?  Is there any history about the place etc?  It seems an odd place to station the CG Service, unless it has a superb view out to sea of course.


Sussex / Re: More Clark's In Rye
« on: Saturday 10 January 09 17:54 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Liz
My brick wall with this family for a long time was George's son James.  I finally tracked down and received James wedding certificate right before Christmas, and got his fathers name for the first time (George) and occupation (Mariner).  James was in the Coastguard, and on a hunch I looked back at a website that lists as many CG personnel thru the census as it can find.  A George and Maria Clark in Bridlington stood out, George bn c1787 in Rye, Maria bn c1798 in Canterbury.  During the Christmas break I visited the library and tracked down G & M in 1851 and 1841, and found that they were the ones I wanted.  Although the 1841 doesn't give birthplaces, their ages hadn't been rounded at all and still worked out as 1797 and 1798 respectively.  The 1851 said Rye and Canterbury, and again, 1797 and 1798, so that's what I have to go on and that's where I'm at!

Sussex is a new area for me to search, so I'm not yet familiar with the places and their proximities to each other, but I take your point that my George could have been born within spitting distance of Rye, and possibly just classed the town as his birthplace for ease of civil registrations!

So far I've been on TNA website for CG records which are now online, and I've been searching for James, I need to re-look at these records and try and find George in them in the hope that I can get more precise info about him.  What other kinds of Clark records are available and in what areas?  I find the site a bit daunting to search to be honest!!  :D

Thanks for the tips, I'll continue plodding on with George and see what I can unearth.


Sussex / Re: More Clark's In Rye
« on: Friday 09 January 09 19:06 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Liz
My husband is a direct descendant of a George Clark, bn c1797 in Rye.  George married a Maria (possibly Fuller, and probably in Dover in 1820) and was in the Navy/Coastguard Service.  In 1841 the family were in St Just in Cornwall, back in Dover in 1851 and in Bridlington in 1861.  George died sometime before the 1871 census, and his widow returned to Dover and died there in 1887.

I may be putting the cart before the horse, but the George born to James and Mary in Rye in 1797 was the only one I could come up with, so I searched the batch and came up with the other possible siblings, but this may of may not be the case.  "My" George did also have a son named James, but it's a common first name too.  I did also find a James Clark marrying a Mary Harmon in July 1792 but that was in Lewes so I'm not sure of the connection, assuming there is one.  In the course of your research have you come across another George born 1797ish in Rye? 


Sussex / More Clark's In Rye
« on: Tuesday 06 January 09 18:15 GMT (UK)  »
Hoping these people ring a bell with the other Clark researchers in the Rye area:

Elizabeth 1792
Catherine 1795
George 1797
Dinah 1798
Sabina 1801
James 1803

All baptised in Rye to James and Mary Clark, on the IGI in batch C000260 (extracted PR).  If anyone has any info on these Clarks, especially the parents, I would be very grateful.


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