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Messages - jomcd967

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Alfred Saunders Ford, birth registered 2qtr 1871 Strand, MMN Kingswell.
Alfred Saunders Ford, baptised 23 Jul 1871 Godshill (Near Newport) Hampshire, s/o John Saunders & Ellen

Jo  :)

Why Rivers?
JoHn Saunders Ford married Ellen Kingswell, 1873, East Cowes, 1871, father David Kingswell

1841 Isle of Wight
David Kingswell 40
Ann Kingswell 40
John 15
Daniel 14
Fanney 12
Ann 8
Sarah 5
Ellen 1


Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 14:48 BST (UK)  »
Wife Mary died 5 June 1886 at Murray Bridge, I would suggest purchasing either of the marriage certificates of Ferdinand to see details listed, and the death certificate of Mary should list all children of the marriage.

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 14:19 BST (UK)  »
In 1846, 3 single brothers named Haeusler arrived from Bremen aboard the Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 13:50 BST (UK)  »
1859 a slaughtering licence is granted to Wilhelm Haeusler  at Tungkillo

1850 Wilhelm Haeusler is naturalised

I wonder if he sometimes anglicised his name to Frederick? Or if there was also a councillor Frederick Haeusler at Tungkillo? He resigns in 1866

Does that coincide with the mass exodus of German farmers from the area moving to Albury, including several Haeusler families…

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 13:34 BST (UK)  »
So in Tunkillo we have Ferdinand elected to council, also councillor W. Haeusler, with council notes of works being completed August Haeusler and awarded to Haeusler & Co

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 11:02 BST (UK)  »
Did Ferdinand remarry in 1888?
Ferdinand Haeusler, widower, age 68 and Teresa Donovan, widow, 36, Ferdinand’s father shown as Christian Haeusler. Looks like he had a thing for Irish ladies  :)

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 10:52 BST (UK)  »
I can’t read German, but this appears to be a campaign ad…

Australia / Re: HAEUSLER Ferdinand 1819-1901
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 10:46 BST (UK)  »
So possibly in SA by 1855…

Was he a councillor at Kungillo?

If so, the local history society may have some information

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