Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: Portslade cemeteries
« on: Sunday 28 October 12 23:04 GMT (UK) »Are there any records searchable on line for burials in portslade ?If you go on the Brighton and hove website and type in cemetery's it will give u email contact address of the different cemetery's and you can ask them to look up to find the people in question and were abouts they are buried .not everyone is buried in hove cemetery as there is a cemetery up bear road in Brighton with people from all over the county or they could even be buried in a church graveyard as theres quite a few churches in portslade and hove with headstones
As i only assume that the Boniface couple were buried, i am not sure which cemetery to search and of course, i would prefer not to wonder around graves unless i know where i should be looking. Thanks in advance.