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Messages - greeneyesgudge

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 ... 36
Lancashire / Re: stuck in the mud
« on: Wednesday 23 January 13 20:29 GMT (UK)  »
hi in 51 census eliza is living with her kids william and daughter eliza fox with the horrocks family winifrid horrocks is her sister .and then in 61 census shes with her kids and  daughter hannah fox my gg granmother ,shes never listed as a widow .i havent found a death for william but eliza dies before the 71 census and her daughter hannah moves in with john moore who is elizas younger brother .i cant find william any were ,i was hoping the marriage record would give ages but it doesnt .

Lancashire / stuck in the mud
« on: Wednesday 23 January 13 19:54 GMT (UK)  »
hi all am trying to find William fox and his parents ...he married Eliza Moore in 1847 on the 15th august no age is given but his occupation is mason and his fathers name is Joseph fox also mason he is living at every street Manchester at time of marriage ..the reason im so stuck is because he is never in any of the census records with eliza so i have no birth year or place of birth so it makes things tricky for me ???

The Lighter Side / Re: sadness
« on: Friday 18 January 13 22:12 GMT (UK)  »
Hi rish.i know what you mean there just names .got an Interesting letter today fro my great aunt who I've recently just found through my research .she has many storys to tell some off it made me cry .my g grandma died in childbirth age 27 and my g aunt goes into great detail about wat happend afterwards and the war .also found out that my ggggranparents went to south America in the 1800 for work .but the wifes and children kept getting pesters by the native Indians so in the end they upped and left back to England but one of the sons had to stay behind .not sure y maybey they couldn't afford his fare home .was a great letter am thankful for it and will cherish it forever now .

Staffordshire / smith family
« on: Thursday 17 January 13 22:29 GMT (UK)  »
hiya is there any online parish records for Walsall, Staffordshire, im looking for a roda smith born abt 1782 she married richard gray and is living in west wycombe in 1851 and census records states birth place as  Walsall, Staffordshire,

Buckinghamshire / Re: page family search
« on: Thursday 17 January 13 14:57 GMT (UK)  »
I've found a christening for a fanny Atkins in 1776 great Hamden Buckinghamshire parents Thomas and Mary .i wonder if its her .?

Buckinghamshire / Re: page family search
« on: Thursday 17 January 13 14:40 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to find fanney Atkins parents now but not having much luck .can anyone else see a baptism for her in hughenden ?

Buckinghamshire / Re: page family search
« on: Wednesday 16 January 13 06:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Steve .i tend to jot any information I find from other trees so I can then go looking myself to check if it all adds up .

Buckinghamshire / Re: page family search
« on: Tuesday 15 January 13 23:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi bucks b are johns parents George page and  fanny Atkins I wonders because ancrstory ft have it as Ann Burnham and William page

« on: Tuesday 15 January 13 22:06 GMT (UK)  »
The first one I've seen with correct place .i think its correct thank you. Very much

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