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Messages - rbangorreg

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 ... 38
The Common Room / Re: Dutch links help needed pls
« on: Monday 28 May 07 23:45 BST (UK)  »
Hi Anna.
  Try  "dansk Demografisk Database" use Google as I have lost  the website.
    Good luck   Reg.

The Common Room / looking for Ethal Gotobed( Now Closed.)
« on: Monday 28 May 07 10:45 BST (UK)  »
Hi I am looking for any information on Ethel  Gotobed. dob about 1899.Birth place  Gislea or Larkford.
    Info to hand - Old Family dates back to 1700.
 It is believed that the Father was a butcher one of a long line of butcher's, Fathers name could have been Ted, Mothers name could be Mary Ann, birth date of Mary Ann  would be around 1870 +/- 10 years. believed to have lived all her life in the same place could be  Gislea or Larkford. Ethel also lived with her Mother and father.

The Lighter Side / Re: Local BMD Indexing petition
« on: Friday 04 May 07 06:44 BST (UK)  »
Hi Liz.
      I thoroughly agree with what you say,but then again what a dreadful world it would be if everybody had the same process of thinking.

The Lighter Side / Re: I'm so excited
« on: Wednesday 02 May 07 23:04 BST (UK)  »
Great news William.
    I can see why you are so excited, and after twenty five years, only proves that you should never give up.

The Common Room / Re: Historic Gaol Notice
« on: Sunday 29 April 07 00:09 BST (UK)  »
Hi Di,
      That's what I was thinking, also dose it mean that the birth place would be recorded as the Registrar's "private address", or the birth mothers "private address"? guess we will never know.

The Common Room / Historic Gaol Notice
« on: Saturday 28 April 07 04:53 BST (UK)  »
From a notice at the historic log goal,.
     The registrar of Births and Deaths is instructed in registering a birth at a gaol to enter locality of birth without stating that the birth occurred at a gaol; also the description of the informant is to be given as "Authorised Agent" instead of "Warder" and he should  give his private address as it is desired that there should be no reference the gaol.
              Office of the Government Statist date 15th April
 and it looks like 1881?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: School Records
« on: Tuesday 24 April 07 09:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi mike.
 If you "google " (1900 school records) you will come up with quite a collection.

The Common Room / Re: Date discrepancy
« on: Monday 16 April 07 06:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi Tuscany.
     Have you considered that they married in 1829,separated and re married in Ireland (And what a lovely place to do it.) I do know of this happening when the couple that married where of differant religious beliefs,but when the time came to have children they remarried to satisfy one or the other's wishe's.

The Common Room / Re: Who is this gentleman?
« on: Thursday 12 April 07 08:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi to all these Rootschater's who posted to this Topic.
    I wish to thank all those who helped to solve " The Mystery of Charles Lyon's". Even though we made progress it has been some eight months since I last had any contact, even though I have sent many E-Mail's.
    I am very disappointed, and now think he has lost interest?

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