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Topics - brigidmac

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 41
Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Using ethnicity to find unknown ancestors
« on: Saturday 14 December 24 01:14 GMT (UK)  »
I know this is controversial but I'm having a go at using ethnicity to pinpoint mutual ancestors

As many of you know Im a fan of using regional differences

I've been trying to find the link between a Scottish gold miner who went to Canada and a lumberjack s family on the border of USA.

At first sight it's not very hopeful
As there is a big variation between 4 siblings

They are 26-43cm matches with me
I believe they are.  half 2c2r ancestry predicts

They all have french & Germanic from mother's side

My paternal  aunt has mostly Scottish but some Irish

These are the 4 siblings DNA percentages

Scottish 38%   37% . 25%. +2%
Eng         28%.   6%.    0%.   26%
French  31%.   31%.  55%.   55%
Germanic 4%   14%.  17%.  17%

I'm not sure that looking for their cousins with Scottish percentage is going to help with this one

Someone looking for bio father whose DNA should  be Irish with about 6%germanic
I've built a tree from mutual matches+believe I've found one paternal great grandmother
+ Am colour coding any matches with Germanic

Wales / William FULLER 1850 & Mary FLEMMING
« on: Thursday 12 December 24 02:16 GMT (UK)  »
William FULLER b1850 Swansea Glamorgan Wales
To William FULLER & Mary PARRY

Married Mary FLEMMING of laugharne Carmarthen

They had 8 children
According to 1911 there were 7 surviving then.

Not found which of These died before 1911

The Common Room / 1948 french magazine
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 13:28 GMT (UK)  »
Point de Vue
2nd may 1948

My nephew was going to throw this in recycling

What shall I do with it ?

Leicestershire / Recoursesat LFHS
« on: Wednesday 02 October 24 22:46 BST (UK)  »
Event this Saturday

Records available on cd for £6 which aren't available on FindMyPast

Leicestershire / Recoursesat LFHS
« on: Wednesday 02 October 24 22:44 BST (UK)  »
Event this Saturday

Northamptonshire / TALBOT s 1700s in Northamptonshire
« on: Sunday 29 September 24 19:32 BST (UK)  »
Horatio TALBOT lived in Moreton pinkney Northamptonshire in early 1700s

Baptism of son Robert with wife Mary 1707
Mary daughter of Horacha Talbot+ Martha baptism 9th September 1716

Nearly missed that as ancestry transcription has Noratha COLLCUT

+ IN 1718 SEP 9th  Mary daughter of
Horacha TOBBUT  transcription is actually Horasho Talbot
& Martha .

The Common Room / Fun with Parish records
« on: Saturday 28 September 24 16:51 BST (UK)  »
Today I've been looking into one family in a small village in Northamptonshire.

Instead of just getting the baptism   details for m1787 I decided to look at some pages before & after to find other children of the same couple and burials in the same time frame

Eventually I looked at pages from 1750- 1810

I learnt so much
Seeing how many baseborn births are registered per page
I wonder if this is typical
1 woman seems to have had 3 baseborn children over 7 years

1 page per year becomes 2 pages per year in later years

Many more births are registered than deaths
I wonder if there was less compulsion to register deaths

Some  couples produce nearly 1 child per year for about a decade .

Some future spouses had baptisms on the same page

I'm now going to look at the rest of the pages from 1706

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Base born child delivered at ?
« on: Saturday 28 September 24 08:38 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone make out the sentence  for Charlotte base born
Daughter of  ? MALMBURY  delivered at . ?

Baptism registered as 19 march 1796
In moreton pinkney Northamptonshire

There is another record of a base born
Charlotte Malmsbury to Hannah in same village but date is 12thmarch

Northamptonshire / MALSBURYs of Moreton Pinkney
« on: Friday 27 September 24 17:02 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to verify information about # who I thought were my 5th great grandparents
 John MAULSBURY and Hannah HIGGINSON who married 24 Sep 1780

I have lots of information about their daughters Charlotte MALSBURY 1797 m James GARDNER+ Phyllis  1798 m Benjamin TALBOT

Hannah died in  1834 Moreton pinkney Northamptonshire age 83

I have a possible baptism for John in 1759 parents John + Susannah MAULSBURY
+ Same year for Hannah in Norton by Daventry parents Joseph + Susannah

I'm trying to find out if they had a daughter Ann 1781 m WAKELIN
+ Sons Thomas 1790 + John 1800
# not the one on many people's trees transported to Australia
# the correct John was born Moreton pinkney 1793 
Not much information is given on baptisms which I find and there are lots of spelling variations

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