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Topics - brigidmac

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 37 [38] 39 40 41
Leicestershire / Annie Hawkins
« on: Thursday 10 December 15 14:15 GMT (UK)  »
did anyone see the story in the Leicester Mercury about a  woman who was trying to discover if  a drowned young lady Annie Hawkins  around 1910
 was the birth mother of her father who was
  "adopted"  early 1900's   named Percy Faulkner Hawkins.

I wonder if anyone could help find  clues to proving it
I emailed the article author to suggest they look for  a Mr Faulkner ;

 + if Annie gave her son that middle name in order to get payment off the birth father
there may be a court record .

My g-gmother did that ..and once she got the affiliation order + some payments went to baptise her daughter  with a more traditional middle name than on birth cert.

My great great grandmother was Edith Geis Landman/Landsman
 b1850 in Riga  Russian/latvia

married Lazurus-Mendel Fellman
in 1868 

They had 12 children  (2 died in infancy)
1888 she died giving birth to her 12th child who died unbaptised

in 1889 Samuel remarries to SHEINA LANDSMAN b approx 1865 daughter of RUVIN could be a younger sister ??
she had 2 children Taube + Khaya before coming to GB around 1890
and 4 more in Manchester : only 3 survived Khaya ( Mathilda/Tilly. ) Golda/gertrude + Esther
The Landsman spelling seems quite rare 
there are only a few families in mancheter area with this spelling in the 1890's

I'd like to know     how    +  If    Geiss-Eida(Edith) + sheina (jane ) are related to
the following people

 1876 Abraham Landsman who married Annie Cohen 17/6/96
 the same day +  as Geis-Eida's eldest daughter  Rebecca Fellman married Benjamin Bloch
Abrahamin 1901 was aged 26 
he + Annie stayed in Prestwich/Manchester area til at least 1911
+ had  at least 5 children
but who were his siblings + parents

 1900 march  JO  or Geo (joseph /George ?)aged 20 on SS Estruria from Liverpool to New York
with Bernd fellman aged 24 both travellers they may have been cousins
 going to stay in Southbridge
to stay with   ?? Landsmann    illeg could be a G or Frank   ...I need his name to look in Latvian records to see if his father was Ruvin

can anyone throw any light on this  ? Thanks in advance

Occupation Interests / wife tending shop .
« on: Tuesday 08 December 15 16:17 GMT (UK)  »
Any ideas why a wife would be recorded  as being " shopkeeper" in Manchester  Rate Books in 1899   and also in Liverpool trade directories in 1902 + 1903
whereas on children's schoolrecords it is their father who is recorded as shopkeeper

On 1901 census the father is down as a draper occupation is recorded for his wife .

Lancashire / workhouse death 1900... burial ?
« on: Tuesday 08 December 15 13:18 GMT (UK)  »
I have the death certificate of a Rachel Fellman of 5 Bury New Road
who died of septiciaemia in Crumpsall Workhouse

 No occupation is given ,

Aged 27 (or 21 0r 29)
Marital status is not given

  she is probably a sister or sister in law of my great grandfather .
His father Samuel stepmother Seina and younger half-siblings lived at number 7 Bury New Road in 1897 until 1899 when they moved to Birkenhead

Would she have been buried in Cumpsall cemetary ?

Would she have received a Jewish burial if no family was around.

is Cumpsall workhouse one of those that had a hospital attached ?  she  wasn't necessarily a workhouse resident before being sick ..anyone know if records are availabe ??


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / picture postcards of "indelicate nature"
« on: Wednesday 14 October 15 06:45 BST (UK)  »
could anyone take a guess at what type of postcards my ggfather was arrested for selling in Dundee in 1906

1 newspaper  referred to them as "travesties of modern art" so i thought they were likely to be photos as opposed to drawings with saucy sentences .

He'd  been selling them in Derby and procured them from a "large midlands town ".
So he had gone into six shops in Dundee and asked openly if they were interested before someone fetched the police ! He was fined given choice of 10 days imprisonment ..I wonder what happened to the postcards ...?

We have proof of him being a draper +general dealer in Birkenhead in 1901 , 1906 article had him as  an "art dealer" ,by 1911 he was a travelling salesman in Wales (but dont know if he'd given up on postcards )

His brother in law Benjamin Bloch was a picture framer in Dundee/Glasgow from the 1890's

The Lighter Side / comedy about family history
« on: Monday 12 October 15 07:32 BST (UK)  »
I have been amazed by things discovered about my Latvian Great grandfather+ slowly turning it into an interactive story
....usually small scale
 "My great grandfather was an Alien .....
I wait for responses then continue according to what is asked or guessed or laughed at .

"I have the documents to prove it .

Yesterday I want to a music event for "doctors without borders "
.. I did the story as stand-up comedy between acts guessing sequels.

It was very hard with lights shining in face you can't see audience faces or hear well

..but I'd like to do it again (+ a few people have asked if i can do it for their respective organisations  )

Part 1 was to work out that alien actually only means from abroad ...we have lots of aliens in my family + to empathise with  aliens or their descendemnts .

Would anyone be interested in testing a different version on here ?

Theme is : different names for those of us who lived abroad 
(for whatever reason )

Grandma Mac was a navy wife in Malta ..what does that make the chidren ? Not the same as child migrants.

In retirement My father returned to the country of his birth ..

My sister + her Husband are "Utlander " where do they live ,

Ok get your detective hats on + I'll see if any of you found answerrs or commented about your own aliens .

Family History Beginners Board / Bloomberg/Blumberg family
« on: Wednesday 07 October 15 13:07 BST (UK)  »
A friend has asked if we could find what became of following males among her relatives.and if any details from earlier would be available .

The surname could be Blumberg in some cases, though in the census of 1881 it is Bloomberg.

Lazarus 42  Tailor Russia
Rachel (Pizer) 43 Germany
Samuel 18 Boot Riviter London
Nathan 16 Writing Clerk B'ham
Fanny 13 B'ham    Born 36 Inge Street   (the "back-to-backs" run by National Trust)
Abraham 11 B'ham
Esther 9 B'ham    Born 62 Lichfield Street
Ezekiel 7 B'ham
Miriam 4 B'ham     Born 41     Lancaster Street

"The last name is my paternal Grandmother and I write to the Granddaughter of Fanny." 


US Lookup Requests / Fellman Brothers
« on: Friday 02 October 15 04:26 BST (UK)  »
I have a page about The Fellman girls

am wondering if any American researchers can help me clear up some inconsistencies re the men in this family 

My ggrandfather  George Jacob Fellman b. Russia 'died in Wales 1924 aged 52
1920 hospital admission says he's the 2nd of 12 siblings only 3 being dead.

Latvian BM D records  are missing from 1868-1879 so i don't have names of elder siblings

   the  3 infant deaths are ;   
  unbaptised boy died within a month of his mother Geis-Eida nee Landmann d1888
aron-mottel birth or baptism registration   16 jul 1883 d.1884 in Griva jakobstadt
+ Dvora b.d1880 jakobstadt 1876

David  is controversial because the birth/baptism date i found nov1886 may be that of his cousin david who married stayed in Jakobstadt with wife +child til at least 1912
our David is registered in Mancs schools 1893 with birth date 4/9/85

on 1901 census he's a 14yr old watchmaker
on ship to philedelphia 1904 he's    "            aged 18   

but once in US all records state b.manchester GB    !

I was told he didn's have children with Sadie nee Froelich but someone says he is on a census  (presumably 1925  ..aged 39 sadie aged 36 and David aged 17 Sara aged 14    can someone pls clear up if these were his children or a siblings + if they have descendents.
another  brother  turned up in ship records of various family members

 to stay with "Barnet " Feldman of 487myrtle av Brooklyn
 march 1905 Samuel Feldman with wife +Sarah ,Tilly, Gerty, + Esther also to stay with Barnet 

can anyone  find a transcription or clue as to  identity of missing eldest sibling b. 1868-1070 Russia(Latvia), Courland ,Jakobpils .not found him /her  in UK
arriving US anytime between 1891when family left Russia + 1900 when they moved from Manchester to Birkenhead (Cheshire) nr Liverpool

The clue may be
 Barnet 's crossing  March 30th 1904 to stay with sister M ....surname illegible who'd paid his passage
His age looks like 32 on written page but is transcribed as 22 
 is this him
 1900 Barnd Fellman age 24 march 11th on Esturia from liverpool to Southbridge
paid for own ticket

either way our
Barnet Jacob Fellman aka BArius J or Bengeman married Lena Ratner in1902 manhatten
+ had baby Tillie /matilda  aged 2 in 1905 census

Request 3

we assumed Barnet died before 1910 because Lena + Tilly are living with David Ratner  in 1910 
but this does not fit with all other of my ggfathers siblings being alive in 1920
could he simply be  away /elsewhere or divorced on census night
His name comes up as Falman in 1905 so spellings could vary

Any detective work  or even theories about missing siblings gratefully received

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Russian Heritage
« on: Thursday 01 October 15 06:05 BST (UK)  »
 Anyone looking for help with Russian Heritage may find this page on Facebook useful


There is a link to web page + phone number

Tana the lovely lady who runs it has a genuine interest in spreading knowledge + helping people find their roots

She does take payment for individual research in order to run the site .

there were also  blogs about  various family names but I've lost the link to that.

Can people post other useful sites on here please ;

  eg has anyone had any luck with records of boats leaving Russia ?

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