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Topics - brigidmac

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The Stay Safe Board / Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« on: Monday 17 July 23 05:07 BST (UK)  »
Hello all
I'm awake ridiculously early .

No dawn chorus yet ... Why not ?

When I officially retire I'd like to learn bird songs and be able to identify some ot them.

Today I'm going to look at a flat...
the one that I'm in is really tiny. single bed  squeeze past shower & kitchen living room not much bigger than a double bed .

 It's quite dark and maybe up for sale.
I've NOY been given notice but people with rooms in the hotel/house that is attached have been leaving and in April there were prospective buyers hovering around .Now there are builders in.

I'm waiting to be sent for an MRI  scan after April & June  dizzy spells .underlying condition vasovagal syncope will continue to be with me .ECG + blood tests all good so this is a precaution .it can take 3 months to get a MRI appointment. So it's hanging over me.

I have joined a writers  group on Facebook &  a whatssap & zoom motivational group   to return to the script about my long lost. Great gran who time travelled into the 21st century.!

I've got a lot of audio clips and videos but need to do a written version  before publication of a book  .
Originally it was to be radio episodes .

A bit too much going  on.
.not to mention premoting the use of Makaton sign language .

The Common Room / Wives of Lords Barons ,+ Knights
« on: Friday 23 June 23 16:12 BST (UK)  »
I'm researching nobility for the first time
Between 1690's to 1800

Can any one help me with what the title of the wives would be
+.if daughters inherited their mother's title if she died

What was correct title for ;

Wife of a knight
Wife of Sir x
Wife of a baron

( When is a LADY a DAME )

If a man had Esq after his name would he be sir J C

1 specific  example is a daughter of a baron
Born just after his death
Apparently the baronetcy was lost because no male heirs
But on her marriage register she is Dame A C
And she married CG  .Esq
The wording on baptism of their son is

" A-c G Son of CG esquire and his lady A "

Family History Beginners Board / Looking for Mary MCKIE
« on: Thursday 22 June 23 10:50 BST (UK)  »
Mary (& her mother also Mary MCKIE )were both left £10 in her uncles Will + Testament in 1940.

So I know she existed

I can't find Mary MCKIE jnr on family search ancestry, family search or freebmd

Or any of her family members after 1911 when they were living 55 Hazelbourne Street Balham London

Head  William McKie age 28 mechanical engineer Lanarkshire Scotland
Wife Mary 26  brackenridge MCKIE  Glasgow
Mother in law Mary FREW age 89 Dundee
Son Robert Frew MCKIE 3 Dennistoun Glasgow Scotland
Ellen Florence 3 months 1911 Wandsworth London

What's the best way to find them in 1921 ?
+ 1939

I think the son died in Gravesend 1995
I wonder why he and Florence weren't left anything in the  will

I'm not good at changing search parameters and wonder if Mc possibility of varied spellings is affecting my search .

Extra eyes please ...

Lincolnshire / Chaplins of Tathwell Hall
« on: Wednesday 21 June 23 06:59 BST (UK)  »
Frederick CHAPLIN esquire justice of peace B. 1803 -1863 lived at Tetherhill Hall in 1861
Oops misremembered name will correct posts

His son William Chaplin 1836- 1888 also JP was listed of # Tathwell Hall in a newspaper announcing his death .does that mean that the family owned the hall

A century earlier Sir John CHAPLIN 1711-1730 lived there .
Apparently he was the last baronet in the line having no male heirs but a daughter Ann B 1730

I presume the families are connected and would like to join the dots.

Ancestry tree suggests a father for Frederick as being the reverend William James CHAPLIN  but I can't find documentation

Thanks in advance ...any help welcome

The Common Room / Robert FREW globetrotting priest
« on: Thursday 04 May 23 10:10 BST (UK)  »
My brother in law  found the grave of the vicar of the English church in Gothenburg SWEDEN
& Became interested in his story ..

Robert Brew  definitely died 19 Feb 1941
Believed to be 73
So born 1868

Doctor of divinity + OBE

He's on records as being of Scottish descent ..I don't which newspapers this was from .

He arrived in Gothenburg 1931

He lived in constantinople,  Turkey before then

Apparently Turkish historians have given him the reputation of being a spy + he his not getting credit for his humanitarian works

I found that there is a record of a will ;thru a solicitor in Llandudno Wales  to an Albert Adair WHITELEY

We will send of for that .

Grateful for any help with any other information about him


Family History Beginners Board / Investing in a young person
« on: Wednesday 26 April 23 06:01 BST (UK)  »
A young man aged 18
who has  helped me with computer problems and with practical things like shopping .lifting for past 2 years has shown an interest in family history.

I did some research for his mother and helped  build a  family tree .

He's a big help with my Technophobia
 He is very modest or lacks doesn't value his own skills .

Anyway I've paid for a DNA kit for him and want to create a fund or grant to pay him a few hours every month and for him to learn how to be a Time Travel Detective too.

He joined up on rootschat as Apple+ some numbers last week but his post is still not showing .

Would appreciate any ideas 💡
Know the rootschat community will assist him while I'm on holiday


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Buying 5 DNA kits & storage time
« on: Friday 14 April 23 00:06 BST (UK)  »
 Does anyone know if there are special offers on anywhere for ancestry kits buying more than one

 recent excitement

 helping friend find out more about his grandad we've found his 2 surviving aunts  who have been hoping to know what became of their nephew
 ( + their sister ) 

Now several if them .teenage  technical gura and someone else with an African grandfather all want to take tests

I don't know how many I can afford to invest in but if you keep them without using for a while does quality of the liquid deteriorate

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Impressed with ethnicity breakdowns
« on: Tuesday 11 April 23 22:47 BST (UK)  »
Recently looked at ethnicity breakdown of all the people whose  DNA I manage on ancestry

Usually I only look at ethnicity of shared matches but I see that the divisions are getting more and more accurate
And there is a way of comparing ethnicity of a group of people

6 of the people whose DNA I manage are relations so great to look at the shared Scottish in my father's side .

I'm lucky to have such a wide data base which helps understand others results

I can  see matches my mother's 2nd cousin thru mutual Latvian great grandfather her ethnicity is 99percent Jewish and 1 percent Welsh !

A descendant of Welsh great grandfather didn't know his bio father but we've narrowed it down to 2 brothers ( ethnicity wasn't a huge help on that one ) managing his DNA

Nephew s DNA shows how ethnicity amounts can be passed thru 3 generations

From my cousin's I got to look at African ethnicity from his other side

My in law is very Essex with a bit of Scandinavian from both parents
The more I learn to use the information that is there the more I respect it

Tho I do have 2 gripes with ancestry 1 is that theyve grouped channel Islands with isle of man with Cornwall

+ I'm still making sense of Haiti and Benin Togo classification
The DNA may make sense but when searching for documents
The classification for all black people  in search bar seems to be African American

The Bahamas was not American in 1850s and
But that's how to find the records

Oops that's not the pic I meant to post


Immigrants & Emigrants - General / From where to Bahamas then to USA
« on: Monday 10 April 23 19:48 BST (UK)  »

Can anyone find parents and grandparents of this man or connections to these surnames RICHARDS KITTO MASHFORD ROWSE KEMP

Id like to know if he has ancestors from CORNWALL or Devon in England

Working backward
In 1930
2nd NW7av Miami Florida USA

William lightbourne widow age 62 life insurance sales man ( white .renting )

Born Bahamas parents born Bahamas
+ Son William R LIGHTBOURNE 16 B Florida mother b Florida

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