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Topics - brigidmac

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Other Countries / Connecting JOHNSONs of Bahamas + Sierra Leone to Ghana
« on: Sunday 09 April 23 16:14 BST (UK)  »
Bear with me on this one as I'm dealing with 2 countries I know little about .

I'm trying to work out  connection between

1 Willie Johnson
b 1911 Androas Island Nassau Bahamas
He changed his surname to LIGHTBOURN after arrival in Miami Florida USA  1916

2) merchant seaman Jacob JOHNSON b 1887 Sierra Leone d 1954 Wales
Father named on marriage  Joseph Johnson ship chandler deceased before 1926

There is a distant  DNA match and there are many connections to Ghana

Including surnames of lodger in Wales top DNA matches with African ethnicities
& Some surnames from trees
 which are typically Ghanaian

Have some possible relatives to add to Willie's tree who also came from Nassau Bahamas + lived nearby on 1935 + 1940

Including Thomas L JOHNSON b 1879 a gardener who gives mother's name as Sarah  back  in Bahamas on arrival in  USA

Any theories about era s the Ghanaian s might have moved to Sierra Leone or Bahamas would be appreciated

The link to Ghana is probably from 1850 s

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / William + Pearline Lightbourne
« on: Saturday 08 April 23 21:04 BST (UK)  »
Willie lightbourne heads this list but what is the title

Relation to head seems to say none for him
Then it's a list of mostly husband  labourer & wife laundress

His 3 year old daughter Pearline is much further down the list after fanny Johnson  what does it say after her name ?

I.couldnt fit all on one page so it's 2 attachments
It is Florida census 1935
Precinct 4 Dade

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Cornwall and Devon DNA
« on: Saturday 08 April 23 12:17 BST (UK)  »
Has anyone who has long Cornish Ancestry tested on ancestry ?

What does your ethnicity state
My friends father was from Cornwall and tne paternal line has been trace back to. 1700s
His results  27,%english +north European  ancestry breaks down his community as specifically from Devon and Cornwall
Sub division of kerrier Cornwall+eas Cornwall
Just From his father's side he has inherited
24 % Scottish  8%irish +2%swedish

I'm not sure if I can post this in one go but I'd like to know if George Jones + Gertie Davies who married in 1915 are on the 1922 photo of Gerties parents golden jubilee

I have problems with photo size so will post images separately but it would be good to see side by side .
This is the 1915 wedding

The Common Room / Where was William BINGLOW ?
« on: Thursday 06 April 23 22:12 BST (UK)  »
27 march 1875
William Binglow a.23year old earth extractor father (George Binglow railway labourer ) deceased
Elizabeth Ann JANE 22yr old  machine wool comber
Father John JANE tin miner

In Parish church of Bradford
I think their respective addresses are
 Clayton Heights Claughton
+ Sandbeds Claughton

Their witnesses were Frederick Christmas + Elizabeth Kendell all 4 left their marks

17 Feb 1876 their daughter Mary Jane Binglow was born in Queensberry Yorkshire

In 1881 Elizabeth Ann JANE returned to Cornwall and is living with her father and Mary
Jane JANE  (not using Binglow surname )

3 more Binglow children are born in Cornwall before 1891

She is then listed as married with all 4 Bingalow children and her father

By 1901 she is head of household still in Cornwall listed as widow with William.H 19 John A 16 + Sidonia L Binglow 11

But where was their father all this time .?
Every time I search I get BINGLEY suggestions

Armed Forces / Shipping records for Jacob Johnson
« on: Friday 17 March 23 16:00 GMT (UK)  »
The title on this record was world war 1 medals
It was free to download but the dates I can make out  are 1920 1921 and I don't know what these notes mean.

Thanks in advance

The Common Room / Every little help can lead somewhere
« on: Wednesday 15 March 23 18:54 GMT (UK)  »
I'm feeling flushed having been able to not only  identify my friends African grandfather but also trace descendants of some of his children and Reunite cousins who'd lost contact or never known each other .

Rootschatters on boards and in chatrooms have helped in ways they may consider small but gave vital  clues or advice

I'm very slow at looking for BMD and it's delicate when living people are concerned
The children were born between 1927and 1947
3 are known deceased

Help with handwriting on a clip of 1939 register led to finding mothers remarriage
And eldest daughters married name DAVIES
A 1 month old baby Davies Is buried with his grandfather our mystery man

Burial also has a middle initial J which helped distinguish him from all the other Jacob JOHNSON s in Wales and on ships

Still more to discover.

This kind of success story would not be possible without help from you lovely lot

Technical Help / Fixing a cover photo to Ancestry trees
« on: Tuesday 14 March 23 22:57 GMT (UK)  »
I feel like I should know this or be able to find the answer on Ancestry help

I have several trees and the photo changes on tree  overview frequently + tends to be most recent picture I've added to gallery so could be a distant relative

Other peoples tree overviews seem to maintain a cover picture

I'd like to be able to choose which picture appears on each tree.

Hope that makes sense .
+ That someone can explain in simple terms how to do it .

Or maybe that's how the trees appear to me but to others they appear with a profile picture

Monmouthshire / What are their names ?
« on: Saturday 11 March 23 23:03 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone decipher Violet JOHNSON s lodgers name after the redacted lines

I don't understand all the crossings out or which is supposed to be the first name .
It could be a Ghanaian name . Clerk

Can't find anyone of similar name elsewhere

Violet  married Milovan Bogidovic
+ Her daughter rose married Davies

But there seem to be a lot of crossings out  and annotations for all of them

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