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Topics - brigidmac

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The Common Room / Van dwellers where were they in 1939
« on: Thursday 09 March 23 20:27 GMT (UK)  »
Im looking for Agnes May FUDGE nee PRICE

She was in a Van dwelling with "husband "
 Bertie FUDGE b1886 In 1933 on Eaton road
With Joseph & Sybil LAMBERT
+ Mary Anne POWELL

& On mount Street  Swansea in 1936 with HAMMOND s  according to electoral rolls

The couple had 3 children
G H 1929
Norah Irene 1930
Elizabeth Doreen 1933

But I can't find them in 1939

Or any documents with a birth year  for Agnes May PRICE she had a first marriage to William J Morgan in 1919

Thanks in advance

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Wife's occupation in 1861
« on: Thursday 09 March 23 16:51 GMT (UK)  »

Can anyone read what is the profession of the wife please

In 1851 and 1871 the husband was a carpenter here I think he.s classed as a builder master ? Employing 1 man 1

Eldest daughter is an assistant teacher in 1871

Could the wife be some kind of teacher too
Looks like first word could be bible but last word looks more like breaker than teacher

The Common Room / Christopher Myngs
« on: Tuesday 07 March 23 23:43 GMT (UK)  »
Pirate or buccaneer
Has anyone  come across this family ?

A DNA match to my brother in law informed

"Anna Maria Myngs isgreat granddaughter of the pirate/privateer and naval officer Sir Christopher Myngs. Her father died in 1764 and from then on until at least the 1900’s the eldest son in each generation was called Benjamin Christopher Bloomfield/Blomfield.

He'd love to have a pirate in his tree but I can't joing the dots between Anna Maria Myng/MYNGS /MYNGE B 1732  mother of Benjamin Christopher Blomfield 1764
and her forbears beyond her parents Christopher myngs + Mary Wild ..if that baptism is correct

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Ben. Chris Blomfield mariner Ipswich
« on: Tuesday 07 March 23 21:16 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone read anything else on this page from 1892 polls

The other side of page is printed but professions are hand written.

Is this one person or several ?

I can decipher Benj Chris BLOMFIELD ?  mariner new street ?
But little else

Unless it says Wm . BLOMFIELD  mariner on next line

Thanks in advance

The Common Room / Rootstech conference day 2
« on: Friday 03 March 23 16:58 GMT (UK)  »
Is anyone else watching the zoom talks available via family search

I'm watching a DNA talk it's about endogamy and pedigree collapse which I've only recently heard about .

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / When great grandparents are related
« on: Friday 03 March 23 00:19 GMT (UK)  »
I've got a chance to look at a concrete example which might effect DNA cm amounts

DNA results just in but I think I can see high DNA matches to some descendants of
Thomas B.+ Eliza H

Caroline Ann  C... (nee B.)’s father
Thomas John B was a brother of Eliza Caroline B, wife of Alfred C
. Eliza Caroline was born in Kensington in 1866 and Thomas John was born in Chelsea in 1871.
Both were children of Thomas B. Cab Driver and Eliza Nee H

This means that Caroline + Alfred C.... s son  Eric Alfred C..’s paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather were brother and sister.

I'm looking at DNA matches for their child

Ive used initials for  surnames for privacy reasons

But will be able to compare results with anyone who has a similar scenario.
Ps the 2 great grandparents in this case are both from paternal side

Lancashire / HILTONs in Atherton 1890s
« on: Monday 27 February 23 12:28 GMT (UK)  »
James HILTON  coal miner 1833 -of westhoughton  -
 Married  Mary HAMPSHIRE. 1836 -1910
In Wigan 18 Dec 1852 ( marriage banns has her birth year as 1833)
Mary death address 355 Leigh road probate to Thomas Hampson a Grocer + George short assurance agent

Had At least 11 children  births sometimes listed as in Chowbent  or Atherton on censuses )buried with husband and sons Peter  +died age 10 & Roger 1870-1871

William 1855 m. Mary sanderson

John 1857 # m  Mary Ann Butterworth in 1892

Alice 1858 # had Maggie HILTON  1882 # later married Isherwood ( to be confirmed) 

James 1860  # m Catherine Halliwelll
Peter 1863-1874
Peggy 1865 m James Butterworth

Jane 1868 -1895 m Joseph EDEN

Mary -1869 m wilmot BANKS
Thomas 1870
Annie 1877
Roger 1870 - 1871

Annie Hilton  1877
another Roger 1880

In 1880 they lived at 10  Off Leigh road  with the 10 children

In 1891 .. * modified
358 Leigh road
 grandaughter Maggie age 8 ialso born Atherton is living with them
Whose child is she ?

Can you help find any of the other marriages
Of these siblings

And  any evidence of any HILTON children born to single mother between 1883 and 1891

Thanks in advance

I can use the DNA painter chart for regular relationships but have come across some

1)skewing of amounts with descendants of cousins ...
instead of having 8 grandparents children of cousins only have 6

Do cousins childre from the mutual set of grandparents generally have a higher match than usual first cousins

2)Also where sets of brothers marry sets of cousins
Each child will still have 8 grandparents but only 8 greatgrandparents

How high do those cousins and 2nd cousins show on matches
And would DNA results on ancestry automatically show up as coming from both sides or would you have to choose that option over paternal /maternal sides .

Does anyone have any examples from recent generations ?

The Common Room / Finding correct death for baby .1940s
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 16:01 GMT (UK)  »
Helping someone who was told that their mother had a child with first husband and loss of the child led to the couple splitting up .

I didn't know exact year

So I looked on freebmd  from 1940 - 1950
Births  with parents surnames in Cheshire + Lancashire

Then looked for deaths of any of those  children

1 name came up as born jun q 1942 8n Brickley. *Sorry parish was Bucklow

A child of same name dies age 0 Dec 1943
In Preston

Surely if it is the same child it should be registered as age 1

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