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Messages - brigidmac

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 29 th December 2024
« on: Friday 27 December 24 08:01 GMT (UK)  »
I'm late with festive greetings

Apologies I've been down the pub

The olde worlde rootschatters inn
Sharing adventures & gingerbread mulled wine in there

Very tired all the time even fell asleep at the Christmas dinner table 6 pm

Not helped by smoke alarmS

yes plural

Top flat went off weds night Thurs morning 2am

Flat 2 rushed down to me
Yet she didn't HEAR mine last Saturday just smelt the burning wheat bag in the microwave

I didn't accompany her to top flat and as the alarm had gone off  she was debating with her boyfriend wether they should wake the couple there to find out what had happened.

They decided against it
+We went to bed...I think she was on  a walk but I texted her in afternoon & she had heard nothing
I find this soothing and am writing to estate agents

According to Google smoke alarms in rented properties sould be mains powered  and interconnected with  other flats  so if any flat is on fire every one  can get out of the building. It's worth looking into.

Technical Help / Re: Ancestry
« on: Friday 27 December 24 06:55 GMT (UK)  »
Are you definitely still the home person on your tree

Sorry to ask obvious question

There are a few other things to check

& Or with ancestry sometimes it's a case of waiting a few days til it readjusts

Ancestors relationship showing on my own tree but not on 1 that I manage

* Oh no that's because I'm not home person on owned tree

The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know of any current Ancestry special offers?
« on: Saturday 21 December 24 15:05 GMT (UK)  »
Well done and may it last long enough for me to raise more than a month's subscription

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Using ethnicity to find unknown ancestors
« on: Wednesday 18 December 24 17:22 GMT (UK)  »
I think that's within the range of differences . Doesn't shock me as we all inherit little bits from different ancestors. My sister's have not tested and I don't have many exams of people who's siblings are on my radar

Pro tools have taught me that some of my unknown are in fact siblings to another of my matches

& Now I can compare 4 siblings and get ideas of the ranges .

An Indian man told me he wants to do DNA+ I agreed to help
Also will help a polish friend
And a Lithuanian who recently bought a kit

I managed kit for man whose father was Cornish+ mother African/Welsh
& Another whose father is mostly Irish and a bit Germanic & mother Welsh
The parents have no crossovers of amounts

The finds are fascinating

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« on: Wednesday 18 December 24 00:08 GMT (UK)  »
There's plenty more to be said about books .. topic title could be changed to
started 10th December now about books

I think my oldest book was grandma macs school prize
I also have a learning to speak Norwegian from my student days 1979 which is historical because at the time when there were 2 official language that have now merged

I want to donate it along with my dissertation about the differences between the written languages and the dialects ..the accompanying cassette tape has been misplaced at my mother's house .. possibly recorded over .

& My version of Winnie the Pooh in bokmal Norwegian

Ihave my dad's copy of when we were 6 from when he was 6 in 1936

The Common Room / Re: At what age do our infant memory commence?
« on: Tuesday 17 December 24 23:34 GMT (UK)  »
I took my foster daughter to Paris when she was 9

At one point she was turning round blinking ..I asked what she was doing and she replied I'm taking mind photos so they will always be in my mind .

It didn't work 40 yearsager she hardly remembers the trip let alone the images and we didn't take many real photos

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Using ethnicity to find unknown ancestors
« on: Tuesday 17 December 24 23:27 GMT (UK)  »
Case 2 is a bit like that  she knows her Irish mother

But father could be NPEand only child closest matches are at 2nd cousin and half 2nd cousin
If I'm correct Caroline Jane FULLER must have had a baby before marriage
Now have a group that don't match Fullers so think it's from Caroline's Welsh lover
Ethnicity is helping here because that's the group of people with Welsh and Germanic

England / Re: Help find Nimrod Gardeners marriage please .
« on: Tuesday 17 December 24 14:53 GMT (UK)  »

I'm researching how ethnic groups can help identify ancestors or relatives

CASE 3 on this topic is about Mary Amelia BROWN 
Her Scottish ethnicity helped identify who matches were linked to even if we didn't know how .

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« on: Tuesday 17 December 24 12:42 GMT (UK)  »
Agree this topic has become about books maybe Op could ask admin to modify title because there is a lot of interest

My cousin had to clear her parents books out and put batches up for sale ... surprisingly her father's technical
Books were the ones that sold

She took several boxes to second hand book shops
I don't think they paid her much but at least they would be viewed by book lovers .

. I took a prize that my grandmother had won at was the story of Florence nightingale that I'd always wanted to read .
And a few others that I thought I could find homes for

Charity shops don't really like old books unless there's a special classics section and there was little interest on eBay .
They can sell books signed by the author for 3x as much .
My mother has written some walking books and a history book which turn up in charity shops sometimes so I now get her to sign them

My sister took some unwanted books for her friend that does paper craft .
There is a local artist who makes decorations from atlases and maps .
My mother has a whole room with maps !

But my poor cousin still has piles of books  in her spare room. +Will probably resort to using them on bonfires

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