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Messages - brigidmac

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US Completed Requests / Re: Feldman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 13:48 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks so much Shirley .I do hope that May is the right one the Fellman?Feldman's seemed to come over with very little money too tho the parents were runninng a drapers shop in liverpool
 ...I'd need to see Mary + Moses marriage cert ,I suppose US ones list father's names + occupation

ps im ruling out Ely Ness as husband for bessie as she's still sg in 1910 census

US Completed Requests / Re: Feldman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 12:40 GMT (UK)  »
found david fellman watchmaker leaving GB dec 1904 arriving jan 1904 USA
he had £1 which has been crossed out to 5-0-0 presumably dollars !
lotsof things have been crossed and written over but there is a distinct 478 so maybe he too is heading for big brother Barnets residence .

thanks for the tip shirley i'm enjoying using

US Completed Requests / Re: Feldman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 12:04 GMT (UK)  »
this would have meant that Mary/May was not married when she came to USA 
I can't read what is written on her brother's passage arrival in march 1904
.I assumed it was her married name

if it's the same family Estelle has carried on the family tradition of altering their first names when they change town or country . the dates fit

Mary was actually born in Russia but her emigration would have stated from GB

US Completed Requests / Re: Feldman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 11:55 GMT (UK)  »
I like both the Bessie possibilities ; the first because elder sister Rebecca married Benjamin Bloch so could well be a family connection
and the 2nd because she has the Fellman spelling which had been consistent since the 1850's from Latvia to Manchester in the 1890's and Liverpool early 1900's

US Completed Requests / Re: Feldman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 11:44 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sandra
 I will have a look at that site . I might be able to look at USA census from my library without paying each time .
 The printed form you sent has some mistakes ..with Samuel's  + Bessie's age  way out Celie should be older too if she is  dressmaker Sarah aged17 from passenger records
 but his wife's + younger children are  nearer the mark. it's lovely nice to see their trades too.
their youngest daughter is "Esther" at birth ,school records + on British census 1901 


US Completed Requests / Fellman girls
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 10:40 GMT (UK)  »
 My ggfather I have finally discovered that my Ggfather 's father, stepmother and 7 siblings emigrated to USA in around 1905 I wonder what became of them .did they stay in Brooklyn ..can anyone access their marriages + deaths please ;
The  FELLMAN/FELDMAN family left Jakobstadt in  Latvia then  Russiain in 1891
spent several years in Prestwich Manchester UK ,
 1n 1901 most of the family were in Birkenhead;Cheshire GB .
Head of family was Leizer-mendel/Lazurus /Samuel
his 2nd wife was called sheina/senna/Jane
girls names were mera/mary born or baptised 31/12/1880
bassa/bessie  1882
  sora/sarah/celia may1885
khaya/Tilly /matilda march 1891 in jakobstadt
golda/gertie /gertrude /gertz born in prestwich 1893
Esther /lestraube  b prestwich 1897    * Estelle ?

they were with brother David (Born nov 1886jRussia) a 14yrold watchmaker in 1901 in birkenhead,Liverpool

It looks like Bessie came to Usa in nov 1904 to stay with her brother "Barnet " Feldman of 487myrtle av Brooklyn
In march 1905 Samuel Feldman with wife +Sarah ,Tilly, Gerty, + Esther also to stay with Barnet 

I looked up Barnet 's crossing and found him  March 30th 1904 to stay with sister M ....surname illegible who'd paid his passage
His age looks like 32 on written page but is transcribed as 22 ,
My ggrandfather  George Jacob Fellman born Russia 'died in Wales 1924 aged 52  Welsh hospital documents as being the 2nd of 12 siblings only 2 being dead (i found their deaths as infants)
Rebecca b 1870 married Elias Bloch in prestwhich 1897 and they lived rest of their lives in Scotland
I have no other records with a Barnet could it be David's other name .?
 In 1910 I'm told  Samuel aged 55+ Jeannie  42  are with Bessie,Celia Gertrude Matilda +Esther in Brooklyn ward the ages seem to be wrong for the older girls Bessie should be 31, and Celia(sarah)25. I don't have access to US records so will be grateful for any help

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Re: Angliscised names
« on: Saturday 27 December 14 19:04 GMT (UK)  »
someone on GR sent me the transcription of the passenger list.
I will come back to it later ; Barnett should be born 1868-1870 if older brother . In my head I 'd decided maybe Rebecca was eldest and George jacob was eldest son .

Rebecca named her  son Barnet in 1909
so the name is in the family

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Re: Angliscised names
« on: Saturday 27 December 14 18:38 GMT (UK)  »
Heywood ;where did you get that information is the grouping of samuel + his family on the oceanic ?
They should have a brother David .somewhere but I haven't come across one beginning with B yet according to my Great granfather George Jacobs medical records from 1920 he was the 2nd eldest of 12 , 2 of whom are dead.  he was born in 1871 according to most records and his sister Rebecca could be a few years younger or older . I know 2 children(dvora+ aron) died in jacobstadt ;his other full siblings were    mera/may 1880
bassa/bessie 1882
 sora/sarah/celia 1885
david 1886

half siblngs   taube /taube b1890 jakobstadt
khaya/tilly matilda b1891
 golde/gertrude /gertz b1893 lancs
esther /lestraube b1897 lancs   that makes a total of 12 already

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Re: Angliscised names
« on: Saturday 27 December 14 16:47 GMT (UK)  »
Great news and more name links + variations

I looked at school records ;
 ON 26/10/ 1891 Mary ,Betsy +Sarah  Fellman are admitted to Manchester Jews school  .
father's name is given  as Lazarus ,all born Russia ,their address is 101 Bury New Road
In 1898 Golda Fellman  b1893 is admitted to Manchester Jews school    her father is given as Samuel
  7 bury new road

on 09/01/1900 Matilda Fellman DoB15/3/1891  of 36 Price st Birkenhead is admitted to St John church of England school  her parent /guardian is named as George but maybe her 30yrold big brother took her to be registered,
 she had been at the junior school previously 
 school records from 1902 has Gertie Fellman of 36 price street dob 4/10/1893  entering birkenhead st john church of england school

i have not seen the census from NY  1910 but it looks as if Samuel + jeanie with 5 girls are the same family the ages of gertrude ,matilda + "lestraube"(esther) fit but Celia(sarah:sore)and Bessie(besa )are 5yrs out and Samuel is too young to have adult daughters must be a mistranscription

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