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Messages - brigidmac

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12th January 2025
« on: Friday 10 January 25 18:02 GMT (UK)  »
Louisa I can understand how an accident would knock your confidence..

I hope you get back behind the wheel of you want to

I stopped driving 6 years ago for economic reasons and I was moving . I refused to pay for a driving license renewal each time
I changed address.
Looking forward to getting free or cheaper bus pass when I hit retirement age next month .

But it does feel strange to have my mother pick me up sometimes or drive me around . Tho like you she sticks to known routes .

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12th January 2025
« on: Friday 10 January 25 15:04 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for all your concern my mother is ok .tired but very optimistic
She's moving into rooms in a friends house . Insurance will cover it . Lots of books + papers being dried out .

Her car was a write off ..she intends to buy a little run around which I was surprised by ( I thought she'd decide to stop driving)

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12th January 2025
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 20:08 GMT (UK)  »
Update re flood damage

My mum can't go home for 3 months carpets will be removed tomorrow and drying out started .

Inventory of everything that was damaged .

The car was a write off so I assumed that at 94 she would stop driving but no she intends to buy a nippy little car with the insurance money !

I'm getting on with the red tape for my pension & missing years.
I  thought retirement age was 67 so was surprised to find myself doing this paperwork before my 66th birthday

Hope I can get a free bus pass too.

Good luck to  you are all coping with the snow ice and rain .

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: New to DNA and Finding unknown GGrandfather
« on: Tuesday 07 January 25 09:58 GMT (UK)  »
I think that is exactly the right approach .
The wording is always important just say that you don't know your nans birth father.

Also add father unknown deceased  to your nan on the tree that will help matches to understand why there are no surnames in common .

Can you go through the surnames on RG s tree and put them in a search of your DNA matches one by one

There may be a cluster of matches around one of the surnames
Then you could change name on tree from unknown .to maybe GREEN  or whatever

Have you got protools to see how your matches connect to each other .?

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Been away for years but returning at last!
« on: Tuesday 07 January 25 09:49 GMT (UK)  »
I've only recently discovered how to get Wills from  they are really cheap and sometimes contain a lot of information tho sometimes very little.

Recent wills are also available on line which can help in search for living relatives

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Been away for years but returning at last!
« on: Monday 06 January 25 19:40 GMT (UK)  »
Welcome back Ian

I have done some research in your area too.
You will also find more forums on Rootschat now .
& Huge developments in DNA research even if you don't use it yourself others with common ancestors may have found birth fathers to children born to single mother's on your trees

My tip : Give up ironing ....,more time for tree building

Great work

These tips will be useful to many .

& It's good to see concrete examples .

Look forward to hearing more of your progress

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12th January 2025
« on: Monday 06 January 25 16:01 GMT (UK)  »
I heard on local radio that my mum's village was impassable on all sides . Roads have flooded before so I wasn't too worried til sister told me that she was being evacuated

Water had reached skirting boards downstairs.
Power went out and the village have strong support s o there had actually been a 5am warning

Anyway my niece sent her father in-law  builder with a big truck to investigate.

My mum is staying overnight at my sister's waiting for an assessor tomorrow .she seems hopeful of moving straight back in but there's all sorts of things to consider like electric contacts & condition of the water .

Will update tomorrow

My foster daughter has bad arthritis & sciatica flare up so not a good start to the year

I'm.casing up national insurance contributions hoping that I won't have to pay £1300+ for missing years in my income tax .

Hope you are all safe I'm listening to news where people are being rescued from vehicles

The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know of any current Ancestry special offers?
« on: Thursday 02 January 25 06:54 GMT (UK)  »
Has anyone taken the 6 months offer on UK ancestry including 1921 census

Offer valid til January 12th

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