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Messages - chunkie

Pages: [1] 2 3
The Common Room / looking for help on my ancestors marriage
« on: Friday 09 January 09 20:00 GMT (UK)  »
Is anyone able to help me after failing to confirm marriage/relationship between John Gall / Elizabeth Gall , given parents of James Gall who died in East Dundee Poorhouse in 1892 age 76?.

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: parents of James Gall
« on: Monday 23 July 07 19:53 BST (UK)  »
Hi Elizabeth, Apologies for not making clear the known details re: James Gall's parents. I have copies of the death record showing J.Gall/ E.Guthell as his parents from different sources
and possible options for his bithdate but these do not show his parents. The real mystery is Elizabeth Guthell whom (as i've already indicated does'nt seem to exist) and that i've frequently come to the conclusion that she didn't exist and that (once again) i'm certain that she didn't exist. I just thought that someone else might also have been researching this area and put forward another explanation.
Many Thanks.


Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: parents of James Gall
« on: Sunday 22 July 07 17:32 BST (UK)  »
Hi again Elizabeth, As I said in my last reply , and based on prolonged searches for John Gall and Elizabeth Guthell that there was no recorded Marriage between these two and no other evidence of deaths or births of E.Guthell I tend to think that the evfidence on James gall's D/C was wrongly recorded and therefore that his parents were not John Gall / E Guthell ( no trace of her having existed) so probably/possibly the real parents were William gall/ Jean Guthrie and as such I like many others will be searching in the proverbial haystack .

Once again Thanks for your reply Elizabeth.

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: parents of James Gall
« on: Saturday 21 July 07 11:50 BST (UK)  »
 Hello Elizabeth, Thanks for your reply, and it seems as if it will forever remain a mystery because if this info' is not recorded then it can't be found.
Once again
many thanks.

Angus (Forfarshire) / parents of James Gall
« on: Friday 13 July 07 20:25 BST (UK)  »
I've raised this question before but I just can't find any positive link between John Gall / Elizabeth Guthell stated on James Gall's D/C as his Parents either as their being married or being named on James G's birth Certificate i'm beeing increasingly drawn to a William Gall / Jean Guthrie as being his real parents but does anyone know how I can Prove one and therefore disprove the other?

Stirlingshire / interpretation/translation
« on: Tuesday 22 May 07 19:50 BST (UK)  »
I wonder if you would kindly translate my ancestors D/C the image is of Margaret Stewarts parents . I can see the name Ferguson who was married to Duncan Stewart (Margaret Stewarts Father)  and another name which i can't understand . Please contact me if copy of M.Stewarts D/C did not arrive

many Thanks

Stirlingshire / Re: translation
« on: Saturday 19 May 07 19:21 BST (UK)  »
Hi again Anne, Thanks for the info'. I don't think your nosey, just interested, i'll try and work out how to send !!.


Stirlingshire / Re: translation
« on: Saturday 19 May 07 14:43 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Anne for your reply. I downloaded 4 documents from Scotlands people pages and as far as i can see they are opr images . I guess  its a matter of luck whether your downloads are decipherable and ther'es only one that's a bother and despite my best efforts I can't successfully compare other letters on the page so , if you could possibly advise me on seeking the help of  the Mods/ admin' it would be much appreciated.
Once again thanks.

Stirlingshire / translation
« on: Friday 18 May 07 20:39 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone please advise about reading the documents that i have downloaded i've been advised that a "printer friendly version" is not available and that there it  appears to be outside the remit of "Scotlands People" to provide this option . perhaps i dreampt it.
any help would be appreciated.
Many Thanks Chunkie. 

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