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Messages - Girl Guide

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Technical Help / Re: Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 21:25 BST (UK)  »
It's white and I would say it is blinking every second.

Technical Help / Re: Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 21:14 BST (UK)  »
I've turned it off at the mains and it is still flashing.

Technical Help / Re: Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 21:12 BST (UK)  »
Ok I'll turn it off at the mains then and see what happens.  Yes, it is a laptop.

Technical Help / Re: Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 21:04 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Biggles, but for me that would be over my head.  I don't really understand the inner workings of computers.

I have my computer on some Lego bricks to allow air flow underneath, so it, hopefully, doesn't get too warm.

Technical Help / Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 20:29 BST (UK)  »
I have an HP Pavilion computer bought in 2015.

A light is blinking at the side of the computer where the mains lead is plugged in.  The battery is fully charged and I have the computer switched on at the mains.  I don't recall seeing this light blinking yesterday, it's usually a solid white light.

I'm struggling to find out why it is doing this.  Can anyone help please?  Any information in simple terms please as I am not technically minded where computers are concerned.

Thanks to anyone who can help.  :D

The Common Room / Re: Findmypast corrections
« on: Monday 15 July 24 20:50 BST (UK)  »
You will be very fortunate if they do anything.  I reported a missed child on a transcription who appears on the original record.  This was done via chat in 2019, then in 2020 I reported the error by filling in the relevant boxes.  Still no correction in 2023 and just checked again and still no correction.

Not going to bother any more.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Breackenhirst Farm New Monkland
« on: Monday 10 June 24 23:11 BST (UK)  »
If you google Brackenhirst Farm it comes up with quite a few hits.  Whether that is what you are looking for is for you to determine.

Putting in breackenhirst farm just comes up with Brackenhirst Farm.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Breackenhirst Farm New Monkland
« on: Monday 10 June 24 23:06 BST (UK)  »
Welcome to Rootschat  :D

Below is a link which mentions Dechmont.

The Common Room / Re: Thomas Branston 1849 Cape Colony/Notts
« on: Sunday 12 May 24 21:50 BST (UK)  »
There is an image for this marriage on Find My Past.

John's father is James, occupation labourer.

They were married on 25th August 1845.

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