« on: Friday 18 March 16 19:54 GMT (UK) »
My gr-gr-grandfather John McClimon, born 20 March 1822, County Down, Ireland Married Mary Ann Daley by the 1900 United States Federal census, 1854. Their first child John H was born 16 November 1854, Rochester, New York. This information was taken from John H. death certificate, so this means they were probably married first part of that year. When Mary Ann came to this Country by her obituary she first settled in Long Island. Their Religion when they settled in Clinton county, Iowa was Catholic. I have searched the 1855 New York State Census for Rochester, Monroe County and Ulster County to no avail. Have searched Catholic church records for the time period to no avail in Rochester. One would think they would show up in the 1855 Census, but maybe they had moved on by then. My gr-grandfather was born 7 April 1856, William Joseph McClimon and his death certificate shows he was born New York state. Would there be any Daleys that might have info on Mary Ann or possibly someone might be able to guide me else were. Maybe they were married in different Church? Sorry for the long info but wanted to show you I have been researching. Hope someone has some ideas.