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Messages - Debbie Cant Davies

Pages: [1]
Suffolk Lookup Requests / Re: Hanna Boreham nee Bishop
« on: Wednesday 31 August 16 16:27 BST (UK)  »
lizdb, sorry about posting twice. didnt know where to put it but have got the information I need. brilliant site this  :D

Suffolk Lookup Requests / Re: Hanna Boreham nee Bishop
« on: Wednesday 31 August 16 16:25 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Groom but that isnt the one. think i have them now  :D

wow, thank you all. sorry to post in two places

Suffolk Lookup Requests / Hanna Boreham nee Bishop
« on: Wednesday 31 August 16 16:01 BST (UK)  »
born Gazely about 1816 am trying to find definite date of birth and parents name plus death which would have been in Brockley were she and her husband Thomas bought up her family and she was living in 1891 when her husband died. she is my second great grandmother her daughter Elizabeth married my great grandfather Lewis Quantrill

cant find census records further back than 1840  ???, why is this need to find a grandparent who was born in 1816 but have no birth record or record of her parent. Hanna Boreham nee Bishop born in Gazeley, Suffolk UK :)

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