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Messages - what0101

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Lanarkshire / Re: Barnhill Institute
« on: Tuesday 11 June 24 12:49 BST (UK)  »
I read on another forum a post from an ambulance driver that said elderly people still remembered it as Barnhill, and were terrified when they were taken there. Sounds like the reputation stuck even if it was no longer true.

Lanarkshire / Re: Barnhill Institute
« on: Tuesday 11 June 24 11:51 BST (UK)  »
Foresthall as it became known as was still operating into the 1980's (run by Glasgow City Council) it was more of a care home/residential institution.

Added :  a photograph from the 1970's

Thanks for the extra details. Would seeing this location as a place of death in the 1960s carry the same significance as if it were the 1930s? i.e. was it the modern equivalent to a poor law hospital? The person I am researching was deemed a "pauper" earlier in life and had many interactions with the poor relief board and institutions but I don't want to jump to conclusions as to the meaning of their place of death.

Lanarkshire / Re: Barnhill Institute
« on: Monday 10 June 24 23:28 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know if this was still a poorhouse institution in 1960? I have a death taking place at this address then, but can't find a street directory from that era to see if it was still a Barnhill institution or not.

London and Middlesex / Re: Heneage Street, Spitalfields, on 1871 census
« on: Thursday 22 February 24 00:19 GMT (UK)  »
In 1871 it's enumerated as Henage Street in RG10/511, starting at number 2 on page 8.

Thanks so much, I've got it now!

edit to add: is that the whole street in the directory you posted? I'm looking for tailors.

London and Middlesex / Heneage Street, Spitalfields, on 1871 census
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 22:49 GMT (UK)  »
I can't find any addresses below #35 Heneage Street in Spitalfields on the 1871 census. I wonder if anyone might have better luck than me?

Dublin / Re: County City Commission papers
« on: Sunday 19 November 23 20:26 GMT (UK)  »
Perhaps the Prisoner books will have something useful to you.

This looks like it should be so useful for me! But I don't see the women I am looking for in it. The crime was murder (later manslaughter) and this book seems to say it was for crimes related to dishonesty? I have their Mountjoy General Register of Prisoners, but it doesn't spell out the outcome other than one was released "by order of the Lord's Justice" a few days before the assizes were supposed to take place.

Dublin / Re: County City Commission papers
« on: Sunday 19 November 23 17:49 GMT (UK)  »
Do you know, by any chance, if any of the records of the the police court have survived? I asked the archive but they weren't familiar with the name. The case I am interested in was scheduled for the assizes but was dropped before it went to trial.

Dublin / Re: County City Commission papers
« on: Sunday 19 November 23 11:16 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you. Do you know if the Southern Police Court also has a more common name?

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