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Ireland / Any idea what "vic for" signifies on a marriage record?
« on: Wednesday 21 October 20 21:35 BST (UK)  »
On a Catholic marriage record I'm looking at in the "denuntiationes" column (which is for impediments to the marriage) it says "Vic For." I have gotten as far as figuring out this means Vicarius Foraneus, or Vicar-Forane, but I have no idea what this might signify about the marriage. Any ideas?

This is for the 8 Jan 1879 marriage of Cornelius Mahony of Coolkeragh to Johanna Stack in Ballybunion, Kerry.

Kerry / Kerry dog license records
« on: Saturday 28 December 19 12:42 GMT (UK)  »
I was browsing the Kerry dog license records on Find My Past, and was wondering if anyone knows if the courts for dog licenses were the same as the petty sessions courts?

I'm looking for the dog licenses for Coolkeragh, outside of Listowel, and can't see to find them. Coolkeragh legal stuff seems to be in the Ballylongford Petty Sessions so I wonder if the dog licenses will be in the Ballylongford section as well. Find My Past doesn't seem to allow you do search for anything other than name.

Staffordshire / Can I find out anything more about this 1872 West Bromwich death?
« on: Wednesday 12 June 19 14:30 BST (UK)  »
I see that an inquest was held for the death of James Lions (last name more often spelled Lyons or Lines), age 12, who died from "two iron plates falling upon him" on May 16, 1872 in West Bromwich, Staffordshire.

Is there any way I can find out anything more about this death?

copyright image removed

Ireland / Can anyone help with this note on a marriage record?
« on: Monday 10 June 19 00:50 BST (UK)  »
I can't make out what the note on the left-hand side says/means. Any ideas?

Ireland / Were sponsors' maiden names used on baptism records?
« on: Tuesday 28 May 19 10:33 BST (UK)  »
I've been looking at baptism records in Kerry in the mid-1800s and am very unclear on whether the female sponsors have their maiden or married names recorded. I have read that maiden names are used, but most genealogy sites don't mention this. Did it vary by town or decade?

I have some where I am sure it must be maiden names, but I don't know if this was the tradition or not. I'm specifically looking at Ballybunion parish in Kerry.

I'm pretty new to researching English records, so I would appreciate any advice on this.

I've traced my earliest ancestor on this line (Elizabeth Woodhall 1821-1891) back and found her parents, Solomon Woodhall and Hannah. I've found them on the 1841 and 1851 census, and I have found several siblings for Elizabeth. I've also found marriage records that I believe are them, but I am not sure how to confirm that.

So with marriage records like the ones I have, that don't have parents' names on them, how can I figure out the names of Solomon's parents (or even confirm his wife's surname)?

Also, would it be common for a couple to marry in a different town than the one they lived in? ie. would they marry in the bride's town? In this case, they settled in West Bromwich but the marriage record is from Aston Juxta Birmingham, Warwick, England, and the banns said they were both residents of "Aston Road" in 1815. Is there anything I can do to research that residence?

These are all of the records I have for Solomon in chronological order:

Any suggestions or tips would be very much appreciated...I'm not really sure if I've covered all of the appropriate bases or if there's more to do. My concern is that Solomon Woodhall seems to be a common name, there was more than one operating in Staffordshire of about the same age, and there's another couple married in nearby Dudley named Solomon Woodall and Hannah. So I'm nervous about making the wrong connection.

Staffordshire / James Lyons of West Bromwich, Staffordshire
« on: Monday 18 February 19 19:55 GMT (UK)  »
I'm researching my third great grandfather James Lyons and I was hoping a more experienced researcher might have a look at this and see if I'm missing anything obvious. This is my first time with English records, so I am not sure if there are other places I should be looking.

Here's what I know:
James Lyons (in some early records it is Loynes)
Born in Ireland between 1822 and 1835 (different age on every census)
married to Elizabeth Woodhall Simcox, a widow, marriage took place between 1856 and 1861

daughter Ellen Agnes Head b. 1861 of West Bromwich, he does not appear on her family records
son Thomas Joseph Lyons b. 1859 in West Bromwich, emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA
son John Hubert Lyons b. 1867 in West Bromwich, married Martha Jane Smith in Aston in 1894 and I can't find him after that

Records I have:
1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891 census
wife Elizabeth Woodhall's 1891 death record from GRO
Catholic records for his children's births and baptisms

I've also ordered an 1858 civil wedding record from GRO that I *think* are James and Elizabeth. I can't find a religious marriage for them, but I know that James was Catholic and Elizabeth was Church of England.

I know that James was alive in 1891 when his wife died, but I can't find any record of him after that, and I'm not sure where to look now. It's possible that he emigrated to the US as well, but I can't find any solid evidence of that. It's such a common name that I'm wary of attaching a record to him that is not correct.

Any suggestions would be appreciated--I'd love to find out where in Ireland he is from and who his parents were, but not sure if that's possible.

Kerry / Stack/Molony family locations in Ballybunion/Listowel
« on: Thursday 07 February 19 22:36 GMT (UK)  »
So my Stack family (Philip Stack and Mary Molony) had 8 children between 1839 and 1860 in Ballybunion. On the marriage the father is listed as being from 'Knuckenore' which I assume is Knockanure. The locations given in Ballybunion on the baptism records are:

1839 Derrenavack
1842 Dirrenavack
1844 Coolkeragh
1847 Coolkeragh
1848 Dirrenavack
1850 Tullamore
1857 Derrenavak
1860 Gale

It appears they moved frequently, would that be normal at that time? Or would the locations possibly be describing the same place?

I am also not sure where Derrenavak is. Can anyone enlighten me?

I'm new to researching Irish records and I'm finding it quite difficult to figure out who is who because they don't seem to have a lot of information on them. With my family apparently changing addresses every few years, it makes it even harder to narrow down which Philip Stack is *my* Philip Stack. Any tips would be appreciated!

Ireland / Consanguinity mentioned in marriage record
« on: Wednesday 06 February 19 11:54 GMT (UK)  »

A while ago I got help translating this marriage record:

I was told that the last line refers to a dispensation for consanguinity. This are my earliest Irish ancestors that I can trace, so it would be very helpful for me tracing them further to know how they were related. It appears to say 4th degree, so I assume that is first cousins. Am I on the right track?

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