
Taylor94 RootsChat Veteran

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651 (0.246 per day)
Leicestershire and Cambridgeshire
Date Registered:
Thursday 26 October 17 08:05 BST (UK)
Local Time:
Sunday 19 January 25 16:07 GMT (UK)
Last Active:
Wednesday 18 December 24 18:59 GMT (UK)
Surname Interests:
Richard Dudley of Cosby. Gent
George Bent of Cosby. Gent
William Black of Kilby. Gent
Bernard Cotton of Dadlington. Esq
Sir Thomas Halford of Wistow. Bart
Richard Swynfen of Sutton Cheney. Gent
John Cotes of Aylestone. Gent
John Freeston of East Norton. Gent
Sir John Bernard of Abington.
Edward Shuckburgh of Naseby. Esq
Richard Worsley of Deeping. Esq
Thomas Hobson of Glen. Gent
John Grant of Stretton Parva. Gent
John Miles of Heanley Hall. Gent
Thomas Dabridgecourt. Esq
Sir Clement Edmondes