« on: Sunday 09 February 25 11:58 GMT (UK) »
Good morning. I am hoping someone far more knowledgeable than myself can cast some light on why there might be a significant a gap in my uncle's service history. His name was Michael Johnson, service number 1802410, and he was a Flight Engineer serving with 619 Squadron from October 43 to February 44 after which he joined 97 Squadron. I have gone through all the ORBS (540 and 541) for 619 Squadron from Oct 43-Feb 44 inclusive and can find no trace of him after flying a successful mission to Berlin on 26 November 43 (JA867). He next appears in the ORBS of 97 Squadron when he flew in ND 706A to Stuttgart on 15 March 44. I then have full details of the operations he was involved with up until he was tragically KIA on 3/4 May 44. I also have full details of where his Lancaster crashed and where he now lies with the rest of the crew in St Desir war cemetery in Normandy. So, can anyone suggest what he might have been doing, and where, between the end of November 43 and the beginning of February 44. Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer.